
RV Pelagia PE360

Cruise plan

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RV Pelagia (64PE)
Cruise identifierPE360
Cruise period2012-10-01 — 2012-10-25
Port of departureHet Horntje, Netherlands
Port of returnVigo, Spain
ObjectivesThe planned cruise serves a project funded by the Dutch national Science Foundation (NWO). The focus of this project is to study the physical drivers of hotspot ecosystems such cold-water coral reefs. Work consists of in-situ observations by means of autonomous benthic landers and seabed and water column sampling.
Chief scientistFuru Mienis (Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research)
NPRCRV Pelagia PE360 NPRC pelagia_pe360.pdf (0.12 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth East Atlantic Ocean (limit 40W)
SpecificBelgica Mounds, Logachev mounds, Whittard Canyon Complex