
FFS Walther Herwig III 362

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)FFS Walther Herwig III (06NI)
Cruise identifier362
Cruise period2013-01-22 — 2013-02-22
Port of departureBremerhaven, Germany
Port of returnBremerhaven, Germany
ObjectivesThe International Bottom Trawl Survey (IBTS) is an internationally coordinated ICES program. The survey aims to provide ICES assessment and science groups with consistent and standardized data for examining spatial and temporal changes in (a) the distribution and relative abundance of fish and fish assemblages and (b) of the biological parameters of commercial fish species for stock assessment purposes.


1. To determine the distribution and relative abundance of pre-recruits of the main commercial species with a view of deriving recruitment indices
2. To monitor changes in the stocks of commercial fish species independently of commercial fisheries data
3. To monitor the distribution and relative abundance of all fish species and selected invertebrates
4. To collect data for the determination of biological parameters for selected species
5. To collect hydrographical and environmental information
6. To determine the abundance and distribution of late herring larvae


Due to rough weather conditions during the entire duration of the cruise, WALTHER HERWIG III was able to fish only 65 rectangles of the assigned 77. 12 rectangles had to be skipped in consequence of bad weather prediction in the northeastern area; one GOV haul was invalid.
Chief scientistMatthias H F Kloppmann (Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries, Hamburg)
ProjectICES International Bottom Trawl Survey (IBTS)
Coordinating bodyInternational Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)
Cruise reportFFS Walther Herwig III 362 cruise report waltherherwigiii_362.pdf (0.46 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth Sea
SpecificNorthern North Sea