

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)L'Atalante (35A3)
Cruise identifierANTITHESIS 1
Cruise period2013-11-23 — 2013-12-24
Port of departurePointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe
Port of returnPointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe
ObjectivesThis project presents a study of the seismogenic potential of the Antilles subduction zone. The acquisition of deep reflection and wide-angle seismic data together with heat flow measurements, gravimetric and magnetic anomalies will help answer scientific questions about the geometry and characteristics of the subduction channel and the deep structure of the margin. The project also aims at recording seismic activity, bathymetry and whale sounds using the hydrophones included in the bottom seismometers.

Data acquisitions and analyses carried out during the Antithesis cruise are essential to evaluate the seismogenic potential of the Northern Segment of the Lesser Antilles margin. Seismic data will be acquired onboard vessel Atalante during the first leg. Heat-flow data will be acquired onboard vessel Pourquoi Pas? During the second leg.
Chief scientistBoris Marcaillou (Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of the French West Indies and Guiana)
Cruise reportL'Atalante ANTITHESIS 1 cruise report latalante_antithesis.pdf (6.58 MB) 
NPRCL'Atalante ANTITHESIS 1 NPRC latalante_antithesis.pdf (0.53 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralCaribbean Sea
SpecificLesser Antilles subduction zone