
FV Sunrise 9204H

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)FV Sunrise (74WQ)
Cruise identifier9204H
Cruise period1992-10-05 — 1992-10-19
Port of departureFraserburgh, United Kingdom
Port of returnPeterhead, United Kingdom
ObjectivesTo investigate the influence of cod end mesh size and diameter on pair trawl and seine selectivity using covered cod end techniques. Second half of cruise carried out by Celestial Dawn. SIC G.I. Sangster.
Chief scientistR Derek Galbraith (Scottish Office Agriculture and Fisheries Department Aberdeen Marine Laboratory)
Cruise reportFV Sunrise 9204H cruise report sunriseandcelestial_dawn_0492h.pdf (0.05 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
SpecificNorth Scottish waters.
Biology and fisheries 
Gear researchQuantity: number of hauls = 27
Description: to investigate the influence of cod-end mesh size and diameter on pair trawl selectivity.