
RRS Discovery D159

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RRS Discovery (74E3)
Cruise identifierD159
Cruise period1986-05-15 — 1986-06-25
Port of departureFalmouth, United Kingdom
Port of returnSanta Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
Objectives1. To return to Great Meteor East (GME) on the Madeira Abyssal Plain to carry out follow-up studies of biogeochemical fluxes over the proposed radioactive waste disposal site.
2. To recover, service and redeploy sediment trap and transmissometer moorings at GME and make comparisons of pumped particle data with trap.
3. To complete a transect of stations along 26N taking particle water samples for chemical analysis to estimate fluxes.
4. To locate and sample plumes produced by hydrothermal venting from the TAG field on the mid-Atlantic ridge. The programme was to include studies on water and particle chemistry, microbiology and general biology (nekton).
Chief scientistWilliam Simpson (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Wormley Laboratory)
Cruise reportRRS Discovery D159 cruise report d159.pdf (1.17 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth West Atlantic Ocean (limit 40W)
SpecificN.E. Atlantic
Track chartsRRS Discovery D159 cruise track — d159track.pdf (0.04 MB) 
Physical oceanography 
Water bottle stationsQuantity: number of samples = 8
Description: FIDO and CTD rosette samples were collected at GME.
Chemical oceanography 
Trace elementsQuantity: number of samples = 8
Description: FIDO and CTD rosette samples were collected at GME.
Suspended matterQuantity: number of samples = 8
Description: FIDO and CTD rosette samples were collected at GME.
Trace metalsQuantity: number of samples = 8
Description: FIDO and CTD rosette samples were collected at GME.
Biology and fisheries 
Sediment trapsQuantity: number of recoveries = 2
Description: A tide gauge mooring and sediment trap mooring were successfully recovered, after being deployed by by Darwin.
Gear researchQuantity: number of cores = 1
Description: A box core sample was collected to test the box corer afetr the installation of new parts.