
RV Corystes COR2/00

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RV Corystes (74RY)
Cruise identifierCOR2/00
Cruise period2000-02-01 — 2000-02-24
Port of departureLowestoft, United Kingdom
Port of returnLowestoft, United Kingdom
Objectives1. To carry out an ichthyoplankton sampling grid (for cod and plaice eggs).
2. To carry out a plaice population sampling using a Granton trawl.
3. To collect biological information and samples of mature plaice and cod.
4. To visually inspect the Smartbuoy deployed to the NE of Lowestoft.
Aims 1-3 are in support of project C0798: Irish Sea egg production and estimation of biomass.
Chief scientistStephen Flatman (Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science Lowestoft Laboratory)
ProjectIrish Sea Egg BIOMASS
Coordinating bodyEC
Cruise reportRV Corystes COR2/00 cruise report co2_00.pdf (0.18 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralIrish Sea and St. George's Channel
SpecificIrish Sea
Track chartsRV Corystes COR2/00 cruise track — trk4398a.html RV Corystes COR2/00 cruise track — trk4398b.html
Physical oceanography 
Surface measurements underway (T,S)Quantity: activity duration in days = 16
Description: Continuous surface water salinity and temperature.
Subsurface temperature and salinity measurementsQuantity: number of hauls = 104
Description: Gulf VII plankton sampler. Fish eggs; salinity and temperature on double oblique dive.
Biology and fisheries 
ZooplanktonQuantity: number of hauls = 104
Description: Gulf VII plankton sampler. Fish eggs; salinity and temperature on double oblique dive.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 15
Description: Granton trawl. All fish measured.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 13
Description: 4m beam trawl. All fish measured.