
Lady Godiver Autosub Florida Trials 1997

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship nameLady Godiver
Cruise identifierAutosub Florida Trials 1997
Cruise period1997-12-02 — 1997-12-11
Port of departurePort Everglades, United States
Port of returnPort Everglades, United States
ObjectivesDemonstrate a variety of AUV missions in an offshore, high current environment, including:
a) autonomous mission of over 100km;
b) terrain following to 200m depth;
c) track - following navigation;
d) integration of Florida Atlantic University turbulence probe.
Chief scientistNick Millard (Southampton Oceanography Centre)
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth West Atlantic Ocean (limit 40W)
SpecificContinental Shelf Break off Port Everglades, Florida. Inshore edge of the Gulf Stream.
Physical oceanography 
Subsurface temperature and salinity measurementsQuantity: number of dives = 10
Description: From CTD and other sensors on the AUTOSUB-1 AUV. Also, engineering performance data.
Current profiler (eg ADCP)Quantity: number of dives = 10
Description: From CTD and other sensors on the AUTOSUB-1 AUV. Also, engineering performance data.
Other physical oceanographic measurementsQuantity: number of dives = 10
Description: Turbulence measurements using aerofoil probe and temperature microstructure.
Other physical oceanographic measurementsQuantity: number of dives = 10
Description: From CTD and other sensors on the AUTOSUB-1 AUV. Also, engineering performance data.
Chemical oceanography 
pHQuantity: number of dives = 10
Description: From CTD and other sensors on the AUTOSUB-1 AUV. Also, engineering performance data.
Biology and fisheries 
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence)Quantity: number of dives = 10
Description: From CTD and other sensors on the AUTOSUB-1 AUV. Also, engineering performance data.