
European Directory of Marine Environmental Data (EDMED)

Data sets originating from The Institute of Geography ltd., National science and technology centre "Parasat"

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Host Data set name Show
kzEcological Data of The Caspian Sea coast (Ural river and Volga river's channels-Khighash, Sharonovka)Click to show data set information
kzGeomorphology, engineering-geological, socio-economic analysis of Atyrau and Manghystau oblast Click to show data set information
kzHydrological Data of The Caspian Sea coast (Ural river and Volga river's channels-Khighash, Sharonovka) Click to show data set information
kzMeteorological Data of The Caspian Sea coast (Atyrau and Manghystau oblast) Click to show data set information
kzMorphology and morphometry of land relief and shelf (North Caspian) Click to show data set information
kzOceanographic Data of The Caspian Sea coast (Atyrau and Manghystau oblast) Click to show data set information

| New query | Found  6 | Show  (1-6) |