
European Directory of Marine Environmental Data (EDMED)

Data sets originating from Sea Fisheries Institute, Research Station in Swinoujscie

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Host Data set name Show
plBenthic macrofauna as an element for ecological evaluation of the Szczecin Lagoon and Pomeranian Bay environments (Odra River Estuary) (1987-95)Click to show data set information
plHydrochemical conditions of Zalew Szczecinski (Szczecin Lagoon), southern Baltic Sea (1991-94) Click to show data set information
plIchthyoplankton from Zatoka Pomorska (Pomeranian Bay) with particular regard to larvae of spring spawning herring (Clupea harengus L) (1982-95) Click to show data set information
plMIRBENT Macrozoobenthos data set from the Southern Baltic (1978-83) Click to show data set information

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