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BODC Processing

Data were received in NetCDF, with one file for each day of operation (eg: Each file included serial date and time, particle counts for the bulk aerosol sample, size-resolved particle counts in 14 size fractions, and particle size classes defined by the median equivalent spherical diameter. Size fractions were redefined by the upper bound of equivalent spherical diameter, as reported by the instrument manufacturer, to be consistent with other aerosol size spectra held at BODC. No position data were supplied with the Dust Monitor data. Latitude and longitude were merged into the data files, by BODC, from the screened and processed cruise navigation file, matching on time.

Parameter codes defined in the BODC parameter dictionary were mapped to the variables as follows:

Originator's Parameter Unit Description BODC Parameter Code Unit Comments
Particle_density ml -1 Abundance (in size class) of particles per unit volume of the atmosphere [aerosol ambient humidity phase] by particle sizer OPCAAER1 ml -1 none
Diameter µm Size class maximum size (equivalent spherical diameter) by particle sizer OPCABIN1 nm Banked data defined by upper bound of size category in common with other aerosol size spectra held by BODC. Unit conversion applied.
Concentration ml -1 Abundance of particles per unit volume of the atmosphere [aerosol phase] by in-situ particle counter OPCBAER1 ml -1 none
Latitude Degrees Latitude north (WGS84) by unspecified GPS system ALATGP01 Degrees Merged from navigation file by BODC
Longitude Degrees Longitude east (WGS84) by unspecified GPS system ALONGP01 Degrees Merged from navigation file by BODC

The data were banked according to BODC standard procedures for series data. Once tagged with the appropriate parameter code, the data were loaded into BODC Series Database.