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Noumea (New Caledonia) Site History

History Summary

Station Noumea, New Caledonia
Country France
Latitude 22° 17.5' S
Longitude 166° 26.2' E
GLOSS No 123
Time Reference GMT (hours 00-23)
Contributor UH Sea Level Center
Instrument Type 1. (Nov 1975 - January 1987 )Fischer and Porter Analog-to-Digital Recorder (ADR)
2. (primary,January 1987-present) Leupold and Stevens Analog-to-Digital Recorder (ADR);
3. (backup,January 1987-present) Handar Encoder (ENC) *used as primary gauge for 1990-1992
4. OTT standard analog (OTT) 1967-11/1975
Site of Gauge  
Observational periods 1967 - present

Reference Level

The entire series is relative to the French "zero de reductions des sondes 1961." The 1975-4/1981 UH data which were originally linked to the UH staff have now been adjusted to be relative to the French Zero 1961.


Benchmarks Description
D-1 Head of bolt fixed on the wall of 'l'anbette'.
H-1 The brass bolt stamped 'S-H' is fixed in concrete at end of the pier,and is about 10ft from the tide gauge (established 1967).
A-1 The iron rod is fixed in the wall of wooden landing stage called 'TARE'.
G-1 The brass bolt is fixed on the concrete wall enclosing officer's parking.
I-1 The bronze disc stamped 'SH', is fixed near the north west corner of the transformer house wall (A-1, G-1 and I-1 established 1980).

Quality Assessment by the UH Sea Level Center


The daily and monthly means agree well with an adjacent station, Suva, Fiji and reveal no apparent changes in the reference level. Timing accuracy was no better than plus or minus 7 minutes prior to the installation of the Handar Encoder.

Data from OTT analog gauge used to fill the following gaps:

(09) 18 August - (21) 06 September 1989
(21) 02 October - (05) 10 October 1989

(GMT in parentheses).

Year CI(%) Missing Data Replaced Gaps or Bad Data Questionable Fluctuations
1968 100 none none none
1969 100 none none none
1970 100 none none none
1971 98 356-365 none none
1972 100 none (22)274-(09)275 none
1973 96 123-128,191-196,229-233 none none
1974 95 9-13,127-129,225-231,281-283,326-328 (05)038-(15)038 (05)039-(15)039 (06)040-(16)040 (07)041-(17)041 (13)122-(12)123 (16)207-(10)208 (01)219-(20)219 none
1975 99 67-69,178-180 (06)174-(05)175 none
1976 100 none none 56-64,72-82
1977 100 none none 36-37
1978 97 126-129,355-359 none none
1979 99 334-336 none 129-134,142-148
1980 92 113-128,246-259 none none
1981 99 66-67 (01)207-(14)207 none
1982 100 none none 115-116
1983 100 none none none
1984 100 none none none
1985 99 203-206 none 157
1986 100 none none none
1987 100 none none none
1988 100 none none none
1989 100 none none none
1990 100 none none none
1991 100 none none none
1992 100 none none none
1993 100 none none none
1994 100 none none none
1995 99 362-365 none none
1996 99 1,346-348 (04)176-(03)177 none
1997 99 001-003 none none
1998 100 none none none