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Key West (Florida, USA) Site History

History Summary

Station Name Key West, FL
Latitude 24° 33.2' N
Longitude 081° 48.5' W
Country U.S.A.
GLOSS No. 216
Time Reference GMT (00-23 hours)
Contributor (1926-2000) NOAA/NOS, USA
Instrument type (1926-1995) Analog-to-Digital Recorder
(1995-2000) Aquatrak acoustic gauge, NOAA Next Generation Water Level Measuring System (NGWLMS)
Site of Gauge The tide gauge is located at the concrete sea wall near the north property line of the Naval Base.
Observational Period 1913 - 2000
Reference Level All data are referred to Tide Gauge Zero and are linked into historic fixed benchmarks.

Tide Gauge Benchmark (TGBM) description

BM control - US C and GS tidal benchmark survey disk stamped '29 1923 8.140' set in a concrete wall of the Naval Officers' Q and T Buildings at the corner of Eaton and Emma Streets, Key West, FL.

Auxiliary Benchmarks

NO 1 1974  
NO 2 1974  
124 1923 6.529
125 1923 5.292
126 1923 9.482
127 1923 8.274
30 1923 16.417
32 1929 7.083
4580 A 1978
4580 AA 1978

Benchmark Relationships

TGBM = 8.73 feet above mean lower low water (1960-1978 epoch)
TGBM = 7.81 feet above mean sea level (1960-1978 epoch)
TGBM = 7.18 feet above mean high water (1960-1978 epoch)

Quality Assessment


The daily or monthly means do not reveal any obvious reference level shifts.

The data for 1997-2000 were supplied with heights relative to MLLW. Consequently 1320mm was added to refer the data to tide gauge zero.

The data for 1998-2000 were supplied in non-GMT format and had to be shifted into GMT.

Year Completeness
Index (%)
Questionable Fluctuations (In day Nos.)
and Missing Data (Gaps > 6 hours)
1926 100 251
1927 100 None
1928 100 285
1929 100 None
1930 100 90,148,357,360
1931 100 None
1932 100 23-26
1933 100 190,252
1934 100 91
1935 100 None
1936 100 None
1937 100 None
1938 100 None
1939 98 None
Gap from 1939/07/23 at 05.00 to 1939/07/30 at 04.00
1940 100 170
1941 100 None
1942 100 None
1943 100 246,247
1944 99 None
Gap from 1944/07/14 at 05.00 to 1944/07/15 at 04.00
1945 59 None
1946 84 None
1947 100 None
1948 100 327
1949 100 None
1950 96 Gap from 1950/09/25 at 05.00 to 1950/09/26 at 04.00
Gap from 1950/12/01 at 05.00 to 1950/12/14 at 13.00
1951 100 None
1952 98 None
1953 35 304-306
1954 100 None
1969 54 None
Gap from 1969/06/19 at 05.00 to 1969/08/01 at 04.00
Gap from 1969/12/05 at 05.00 to 1969/12/16 at 04.00
1970 100 None
1971 95 None
Gap from 1971/10/12 at 05.00 to 1971/10/27 at 04.00
Gap from 1971/10/29 at 05.00 to 1971/10/31 at 04.00
1972 99 None
Gap from 1972/03/16 at 05.00 to 1972/03/18 at 04.00
1973 100 None
1974 100 None
1975 91 130-134
Gap from 1975/06/01 at 05.00 to 1975/06/19 at 04.00
Gap from 1975/07/01 at 05.00 to 1975/07/13 at 04.00
1976 100 None
1977 91 None
Gap from 1977/03/01 at 05.00 to 1977/03/06 at 04.00
Gap from 1977/07/01 at 05.00 to 1977/07/10 at 04.00
Gap from 1977/09/01 at 05.00 to 1977/09/06 at 04.00
Gap from 1977/09/18 at 05.00 to 1977/09/21 at 04.00
Gap from 1977/12/10 at 05.00 to 1977/12/12 at 04.00
Gap from 1977/12/15 at 05.00 to 1977/12/19 at 04.00
1978 83 None
Gap from 1978/06/01 at 05.00 to 1978/07/01 at 04.00
Gap from 1978/11/09 at 05.00 to 1978/11/26 at 04.00
Gap from 1978/12/09 at 05.00 to 1978/12/23 at 04.00
1979 93 202-209
1980 93 None
Gap from 1980/09/02 at 01.00 to 1980/09/16 at 01.00
Gap from 1980/10/01 at 23.00 to 1980/10/11 at 01.00
1981 100 None
1982 100 None
1983 92 None
Gap from 1983/10/02 at 19.00 to 1983/11/01 at 04.00
1984 100 36-39
1985 93 None
Gap from 1985/08/17 at 17.00 to 1985/09/11 at 14.00
1986 100 None
1987 100 285
1988 100 None
1989 100 None
1990 100 None
1991 100 None
1992 93 None
Gap from 1992/07/05 at 14.00 to 1992/08/01 at 20.00
1993 100 None
1994 100 None
1995 100 None
1997 100 None
1998 100 268
1999 100 288
2000 100 211-212