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Rikitea (Mangareva Islands, French Polynesia) Site History

History Summary

Station name Rikitea, Mangareva Is.
Country French Polynesia
Latitude 23° 07.5' S
Longitude 134° 57.2' W
GLOSS No. 138
Time Reference GMT (hours 00-23)
Contributor UH Sea Level Center
Instrument type Bristol Bubbler (BUB) (1969-6/1975)
Fischer and Porter Analog-to-Digital Recorder (ADR) (6/1975-end)
Site of Gauge  
Observational Period 1969 - present

Reference Level

All heights have been referred to the station tide staff zero which is linked to fixed bench marks. The BUB data from 1969-6/1975 are linked to the ADR data (and the tide staff zero) using a month over-lap in the two series.

Tide Gauge Benchmark (TGBM) Description

USGS BM #1 Brass plate stamped 'no 1 1969' located 20ft west of the tide station set in concrete on wharf surface (established 1969).

Auxilliary Benchmarks

UGS BM #2 : Brass plate stamped 'no 2 1969' set in cement sidewalk at NE corner of bunkhouse close to the catchment tanks.

USGS BM #3: Brass plate stamped 'no 3 1969' set in concrete at side of arch on roadway leading to LDG laboratory, 1.5ft up the side.

IO : Brass plate, no further documentation, established Apr 1984

C : Brass plate, no further documentation, established Apr 1984

Quality Assessment by the UH Sea Level Center


The daily and monthly means reveal no apparent changes in the reference level.

Year CI (%) Missing Data Replaced Gaps or Bad Data Questionable Fluctuations
1969 24 none (09)312-(08)313 none
1970 99 55-56,81-82,155-156 (06)121-(16)121 56-74,205-206
1971 99 189-191,359-360 (09)244-(17)244,(04)288-(14)288 none
1972 99 103-104,145-147, 190-191 (17)058-(16)059,(23)276-(09)277 191-233,307,323
1973 55 133-299 (09)088-(08)089 133
1974 98 277-278,287-293,312-313 (20)102-(19)103,(21)146-(16)147,(23)268-(18)269,(20)355-(08)356 none
1975 67 10-130 (09)144-(16)144 none
1976 98 3-5,201-204 none none
1977 99 268-270 none none
1978 100 none none none
1979 92 35-36,39-41,306-310,324-332,344-349,357-360 none none
1980 82 20-23,186-198,242-256,330-362 none none
1981 89 17-19,153-178,353-365 none none
1982 91 1-28,328-331 none none
1983 99 361-363 none none
1984 100 none none none
1985 100 none none none
1986 100 none none none
1987 100 none none none
1988 99 202-204 none none
1989 99 182-186 none none
1990 100 none none none
1991 100 none none none
1992 100 none none none
1993 100 none none none
1994 99 291-293 none none
1995 99 332-337 none none
1996 41 57-81,93-186 (02)003-(21)003,(05)207-(17)207,(03)266-(17)266 none
1997 69 001-113 none none
1998 99 306-308 none none