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Guam (USA Trust) Site History

History Summary

Station Guam
Latitude 13° 26.0' N
Longitude 144° 39.0' E
Country USA Trust
GLOSS No. 149
Time Reference GMT (hours 00-23)
Contributor National Ocean Service (NOS)
National Ocean. and Atmos. Administration (NOAA)
Instrument type Standard mechanical (1947-1974)
Analog-to-digital (adr) recorder (1975-1991)
Aquatrak acoustic gauge, NOAA Next Generation Water Level Measuring System (NGWLMS) (1992-2000)
Site of Gauge  
Observational Periods 1948 - 1997, 1999 - 2000
Reference Level All heights have been referred to the station tide staff zero which is linked to fixed benchmarks.

Tide Gauge Benchmark (TGBM) Description

Benchmark 4(1949) is the primary benchmark (PBM) stamped 'NO 4 1949' set in the northwest side of a 6ft by 12ft concrete manhole in the centre of the road.

Auxilliary Benchmarks

9 additional benchmarks are levelled to the TGBM and the Tide Station on a yearly basis

Benchmark Relationships

Benchmark Elevation
TGBM 9.83ft above Tide Gauge Zero (Station Datum)
NOAA Chart Datum (MLLW) is 1.24ft above Station Datum
Mean Sea Level (1960-1978) is 2.65ft above Station Datum

Quality Assessment


  • The daily and monthly means reveal no apparent reference level changes or trends and agree with nearby stations, Saipan, Chuuk, and Kwajalein.

  • The low signal in late 1972 is associated with an ENSO and is also seen in the series at Chuuk.

  • The data for 1997-2000 were supplied with heights relative to MLLW. Consequently 378mm was added to refer the data to tide gauge zero.

  • The data for 1999-2000 were supplied in non-GMT format and had to be shifted into GMT.

Year CI (%) Missing Data Replaced Gaps Questionable or Bad Data Fluctuations
    307-336,338-345,350- 351,360-363 (14)089-(03)090  
1949 100 none none 54-56
1950 100 none none none
1951 100 none (14)207-(13)208 none
1952 100 none (13)056-(02)057 (05)057-(12)057 (14)240-(13)241 (18)353-(05)354 none
1953 97 227-238 (07)225-(23)225(07)226-(01)227 (01)231-(20)231 (05)238-(22)238 (06)239-(18)239 (13)245-(21)245 none
1954 100 none none none
1955 100 none none none
1956 100 none none none
1957 100 none none none
1958 100 none none none
1959 100 none none none
1960 100 none none none
1961 100 none none none
1962 99 315-316 (15)326-(09)327 none
1963 100 none none none
1964 90 172-181,249-260, 264-267,305-321 (11)263-(02)264 239-244
1965 90 7-15,90-120 (07)003-(05)004 (02)018-(23)018 (19)206-(08)207 none
1966 99 58-59 none 68
1967 100 none none none
1968 100 none none none
1969 93 51-55,66-70,88-99, 110-118 (04)050-(23)050 none
1970 98 340-342,354-359 (14)346-(04)347 91-94
1971 96 13-17,46-49,284-292 none none
1972 99 364-366 none none
1973 91 1-7,234-239, 251-257,263-267, 277-282,286-288 (10)036-(21)036 (00)066-(15)066 (01)283-(23)283 (05)322-(12)322 none
1974 91 142-150,193-203, 281-283,297-303, 317-322 (14)181-(22)181 (15)328-(03)329 69-70
1975 75 193-201,204-207, 209-217,223-225, 247-249,253-259, 275-276,282-283, 287-289,300-301, 305-337,345-356 (16)199-(22)199 (10)204-(23)204 (12)221-(23)221 (03)227-(01)228 (20)232-(05)233 (12)234-(00)235 (01)240-(22)240 (23)243-(21)244 (06)251-(22)251 (14)341-(23)341 85-86,91
1976 46 1-2,26-33, 62-67,124-309 none none
1977 95 31-41,51-54,155-159 (18)004-(02)005 (07)074-(15)074 none
1978 99 361-362 none none
1979 98 42-43,93-95, 274-276 none none
1980 92 42-45,91-92, 94-101,110-126 none 268-270
1981 100 none none 8-9,163-164
1982 92 165-193 none 40,59
1983 100 none none 145
1984 100 none none none
1985 99 47-49,59-60 (06)062-(03)063 none
1986 76 68-71,91-107,231-296 none 337-340,362-363
1987 100 none (01)028-(08)028 1-2,5-6,8,15,36,83,281-286,297
1988 98 33-38 none 67-70
1989 100 none none 182-185
1990 100 none none none
1991 99 365 none none
1992 72 1-61,173-215 (03)122-(23)122 241
1993 100 none (20)125-(19)126 none
1994 100 none (20)019-(23)024 (23)027-(20)028 none
1995 100 none (04)082-(09)085 none
1996 100 none none none
1997 100 none none none
1999 75 1-32, 151-212 none 40-48,70-75,82-88,103-117,212
2000 100 none none 50-64,71-78,98-104, 148-158,270-276,194- 195