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Diego Garcia-D (UK) Site History

History Summary

Station Diego Garcia-D
Country United Kingdom
Latitude 07° 17.4' S
Longitude 072° 23.6' E
GLOSS No 026
Time Reference GMT (hours 00-23)
Contributor 1992-present NOAA/NOS
Instrument Type (1992-present) Next Generation Water Level Measurement System - acoustic sensor
Site of Gauge The gauge is situated next to the deep draft wharf.
Observational Period 1992-present

Reference Level

For the NGWLMS, all heights are referred to a datum zero which is linked to fixed benchmarks.


Benchmark Description
This is a NOS bench mark stamped "1000 D 1990", set in a concrete pad supporting ten electrical switch panels.It is 180 feet southwest of the wharf face (established 1990).
established 1990
established 1990
established 1990
established 1991
established 1991

Quality Assessment


Data from Diego Garcia-C are maintained in a separate record because these series are not linked to the same tide staff zero.

Timing errors are evident in the hourly data.

Year CI(%) QI(%) Missing Data Replaced Gaps or Bad Data Questionable Fluctuations
1992 81 81 none none none
1993 100 100 none none none
1994 79 79 033-108 none none
1995 88 88 023-030,131-140,254-260,274-292 none none
1996 21 21 001-015,028-098,138-141,162-366 none none
1997 87 87 1,11-18,180-182,225-231,299-307,320-335,349-363 none none
1998 29 29 019-025,039-060,075-083,102-115,130-173,195-365 none none