Data inventory for cruise Antea AMANDES I (GApr01)

The table below is no longer dynamically generated from the British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) databases and consequently is out of date. If you have questions about the status for a specific dataset please contact GDAC.

Data set description Source Status
CTD data Catherine Jeandel Data set overdue — was expected 2015-12-31
Currents - AQUADOPP/ FLOWQUEST/ RCM7 moorings Catherine Jeandel Received
NO2/ NO3/ PO4/ Si(OH)4 - CTD bottle Catherine Jeandel Received
Nd isotopes - CTD bottle Catherine Jeandel Received
REE - CTD bottle Catherine Jeandel Received
Temperature conductivity - MICROCAT mooring Catherine Jeandel Received
VMADCP Catherine Jeandel Received