Data inventory for cruise RRS Discovery DY029 (GApr04)

The table below is no longer dynamically generated from the British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) databases and consequently is out of date. If you have questions about the status for a specific dataset please contact GDAC.

Data set description Source Status
Iron binding ligands from CTDs Martha Gledhill Data set overdue — was expected 2016-05-01
Long-lived radium isotopes from CTDs Amber Annett Data set overdue — was expected 2016-04-30
Particulate trace metals from CTDs Angela Milne et al. Data set overdue — was expected 2017-09-30
Short-lived radium isotopes and parents from CTDs Amber Annett Received
Total dissolvable and dissolved trace metals from CTDs Dagmara Rusiecka et al. Received
Total dissolvable iron, dissolved iron, soluble iron and FeII from CTDs Antony Birchill and Maeve Lohan Data set overdue — was expected 2016-05-01