Data inventory for cruise Marion Dufresne MD166 (BONUS-GOODHOPE, GIPY04)

The table below is no longer dynamically generated from the British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) databases and consequently is out of date. If you have questions about the status for a specific dataset please contact GDAC.

Data set description Source Status
227Ac -insitu pumps Walter Geibert Received
234Th (total)-CTD-bottle Frank Dehairs and Frédéric Planchon Received
234Th/POC (particulate)-insitu pumps
Aerosol samples Alex Baker Received
Ag -GO-FLO Eric Pieter Achterberg and Marie Boye Received
Al (dissolved)-GO-FLO Peter Croot Received
Ba (dissolved)-CTD Frank Dehairs and Damien Cardinal Received
Ba (particulate) - insitu pump Frank Dehairs Data set overdue — was expected 2012-12-31
Ba (particulate)-CTD-bottle Frank Dehairs and Damien Cardinal Received
C isotopes - insitu pump Frank Dehairs and Anne-Julie Cavagna Data set overdue — was expected 2012-12-31
CTD data Sabrina Speich Received
Cd (dissolved)-GO-FLO Marie Boye et al. Received
Chlorophyll a (chl a) and phaeopigments -CTD-bottle Frederic A C le Moigne Received
Co (dissolved)-GO-FLO Marie Boye et al. Received
Co organic speciation -GO-FLO Johann Bown Received
Cu (dissolved)-GO-FLO Johann Bown and Marie Boye Received
Diatom (taxonomy) - CTD bottle
Data set overdue — was expected 2012-12-31
Dissolved and Particulate 230Th and 232Th Matthieu Roy-Barman et al. Received
Fe (Total dissolvable)-GOFLO Géraldine Sarthou Received
Fe (dissolved)-GOFLO Fanny Chever and Géraldine Sarthou Received
Fe isotopes (dissolved and particulate)-GOFLO Francois Lacan Received
Fe organic speciation C M G Van den Berg Data not expected
Fe(II) (dissolved)-GOFLO Géraldine Sarthou Received
Fe(III) (soluble)-GOFLO Géraldine Sarthou Received
H2O2 (dissolved/total)-GO-FLO Eva Bucciarelli Received
Intercalibration of GEOTRACES varables with ANT XXIV-3
Data not expected
Mn (dissolved)-GO-FLO Johann Bown and Marie Boye Received
NO3 uptake - CTD bottle and Howard Waldron Received
Nd isotopes (dissolved)-CTD-bottle Catherine Jeandel and Ester Garcia Solsona Received
Nd isotopes (particulate) - insitu pump Catherine Jeandel Data not expected
Nutrients -CTD-bottle Frederic A C le Moigne and Marie Boye Received
O2/ Ar ratio Warren Joubert Received
Pb (dissolved)-GO-FLO Bronwyn Wake and Marie Boye Received
REE (dissolved/particulate)-CTD-bottle Catherine Jeandel and Ester Garcia Solsona Received
Si isotopes (delta 30Si bSiO2)-insitu pumps/ bottle Damien Cardinal and François Fripiat Received
Si isotopes (delta 30Si)-CTD-bottle Frank Dehairs et al. Received
Silica (dissolution rates) - CTD bottle and Emilie Grossteffan Received
delta 11B
Data not expected
delta 13C (POC, cholesterol, brassicasterol)-insitu pumps Frank Dehairs and Anne-Julie Cavagna Received
delta 15N Warren Joubert Received