Data inventory for cruise RV Roger Revelle RR1814 (GP15, PMT)

The table below is no longer dynamically generated from the British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) databases and consequently is out of date. If you have questions about the status for a specific dataset please contact GDAC.

Data set description Source Status
CTD and UCCTD profiles
Concentrations of deionized water-soluble aerosol trace elements Clifton Buck and William Landing Received
Dissolved Ba, Cd, Cu, Ga, Mn, Nd, Ni, and Pb Alan M Shiller Received
Dissolved and colloidal Co Rebecca Chmiel and Mak A Saito Received
He isotope with He and Ne concentration (CTD bottle) William J Jenkins et al. Received
Hg and methylmercury in rain water Robert P Mason Received
Hg in aerosols Robert P Mason Received
Hg in surface water Robert P Mason Received
Hydrography and Nutrients from CTD bottles Karen Casciotti et al. Received
Water column total and particulate Th-234 Ken Buesseler and Jennifer Kenyon Received
Water pH Gregory A Cutter Received