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BODC Cruise Metadata Report for RRS Challenger (74CH) cruise CH110


This report collates information from the BODC cruise inventory and oceanographic databases. It presents

Cruise Inventory Information

Long name RRS Challenger (74CH) cruise CH110
Short name CH110
Objectives and Narrative 1. To work the CTD stations of the Anton Dohrn Seamount (Ellett Line) section, between the shelf-edge and Rockall to continue the Rockall Trough time-series as a UK contribution to WOCE Goal 2.
2. To recover and redeploy a temperature-salinity recorder and thermistor chain at station M of the Anton Dohrn Section.
3. To service the DML current meter mooring in the Tiree Passage.
4. To sample benthos at the SAMS Permanent Station (54 30'N, 12 16'W) and at station M using the epibenthic sled and the Agassiz trawl.
5. To collect a suite of physical, nutrient and biological profiles and samples at the shelf-edge west of Barra as part of the LOIS pilot studies and to attempt box-coring if time and weather permits.
6. To work the shelf-edge - Sound of Mull CTD section, with nutrient and chlorophyll sampling.
7. To work the PROFILE sampling stations around the Arran deep, as time permits.
8. To collect clean oceanic water for the Culture Collection.
Ship RRS Challenger
Departure Port Campbeltown, United Kingdom
Departure Date 1994-03-10
Arrival Port Oban, United Kingdom
Arrival Date 1994-03-20
Principal Scientist(s) David J Ellett (Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory)
Responsible Organisation Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory
Associated Project(s) WOCE/LOIS-SES
IHB Sea Areas Visited Inner Seas off the West Coast of Scotland, North East Atlantic Ocean (limit 40W)
Marsden Squares Visited 181;3/181;4/182;3
Work Area Description NE Atlantic, Rockall Trough, W. Scottish Shelf, Firth of Clyde
Unable to lookup cruise bounds at this time
Work Area Bounding Polygon
Southern Limit unknown
Northern Limit unknown
Western Limit unknown
Eastern Limit unknown

Cruise Inventory Datasets

Physical oceanography  
CTD stations Quantity: number of stations = 47
Description: Oxygen received, but rejected  
Current meters Quantity: number of stations = 1
Description: 2 current meters on one mooring  
Chemical oceanography  
Ammonia Quantity: number of stations = 37
Nitrate Quantity: number of stations = 37
Nitrite Quantity: number of stations = 37
Phosphate Quantity: number of stations = 37
Silicate Quantity: number of stations = 37
Biology and fisheries  
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Quantity: number of stations = 37
Description: on CTD  
Zoobenthos Quantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Agassiz trawl, Decapod samples for visual adaptation studies  

Cruise Inventory Mooring/Buoy Operations

Latitude Longitude Data type Description
56° 37' N 6° 24' W Current meters Mooring serviced 14 Mar. 2 Aanderaa current meters at 26m & 36m, sounding 46m

Summary of BODC Data Holdings for the Cruise

National Oceanographic Database


# Series Instrument Description Parameters
44 CTD/STD cast Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
1 Savonius rotor current meter Date and time
Horizontal velocity of the water column (currents)
Moored instrument depth
Temperature of the water column

Note: Parameter terms are taken from the BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary XML (SKOS)

Full List

BODC Reference Instrument Description Date/Time Location  
388685 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-10 17:33Z 55° 25' N, 5° 28' W Click for more
388697 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-10 18:58Z 55° 30' N, 5° 26' W Click for more
388704 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-10 19:44Z 55° 34' N, 5° 25' W Click for more
388716 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-10 21:17Z 55° 40' N, 5° 25' W Click for more
388728 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-10 22:08Z 55° 42' N, 5° 19' W Click for more
388741 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-10 23:36Z 55° 46' N, 5° 15' W Click for more
388753 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-11 08:15Z 55° 50' N, 5° 19' W Click for more
388765 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-11 09:02Z 55° 53' N, 5° 22' W Click for more
388777 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-11 11:41Z 55° 41' N, 5° 9' W Click for more
388789 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-11 13:10Z 55° 46' N, 4° 58' W Click for more
388790 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-11 14:14Z 55° 49' N, 4° 58' W Click for more
388808 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-11 15:37Z 55° 39' N, 4° 56' W Click for more
388821 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-11 16:14Z 55° 38' N, 5° 1' W Click for more
388833 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-11 17:46Z 55° 32' N, 4° 58' W Click for more
388845 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-11 18:38Z 55° 31' N, 4° 53' W Click for more
388857 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-11 19:42Z 55° 27' N, 5° 1' W Click for more
388869 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-11 20:37Z 55° 25' N, 4° 56' W Click for more
388870 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-11 21:15Z 55° 23' N, 4° 51' W Click for more
388882 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-11 22:30Z 55° 21' N, 5° 4' W Click for more
388894 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-12 00:26Z 55° 22' N, 5° 18' W Click for more
388901 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-12 01:29Z 55° 17' N, 5° 11' W Click for more
388913 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-12 02:50Z 55° 13' N, 5° 15' W Click for more
388925 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-12 03:48Z 55° 9' N, 5° 22' W Click for more
388937 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-12 05:32Z 55° 16' N, 5° 27' W Click for more
388949 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-12 06:13Z 55° 15' N, 5° 33' W Click for more
388950 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-14 18:05Z 56° 40' N, 6° 7' W Click for more
388962 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-14 18:51Z 56° 40' N, 6° 16' W Click for more
388974 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-14 20:24Z 56° 43' N, 6° 27' W Click for more
388986 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-14 22:05Z 56° 43' N, 6° 45' W Click for more
388998 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-14 23:52Z 56° 43' N, 7° 0' W Click for more
389001 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-15 01:30Z 56° 43' N, 7° 19' W Click for more
389013 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-15 03:17Z 56° 43' N, 7° 29' W Click for more
389025 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-15 04:49Z 56° 43' N, 7° 40' W Click for more
389037 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-15 08:04Z 56° 46' N, 8° 0' W Click for more
389049 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-15 10:48Z 56° 50' N, 8° 19' W Click for more
389050 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-17 19:24Z 56° 52' N, 8° 30' W Click for more
389062 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-17 21:49Z 56° 57' N, 8° 46' W Click for more
389074 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-17 23:18Z 57° 0' N, 9° 0' W Click for more
389086 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-18 01:23Z 57° 3' N, 9° 13' W Click for more
389098 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-18 03:02Z 57° 6' N, 9° 25' W Click for more
389105 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-18 09:17Z 57° 9' N, 9° 42' W Click for more
389117 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-18 13:23Z 57° 13' N, 10° 3' W Click for more
389129 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-18 19:32Z 57° 18' N, 10° 22' W Click for more
389130 CTD/STD cast 1994-03-19 06:16Z 57° 27' N, 11° 4' W Click for more
508044 Savonius rotor current meter 1994-03-14 19:30Z to 1994-05-09 09:30Z 56° 37' N, 6° 24' W Click for more

Project Database

No data currently held for this cruise in the BODC Project Database


Track Charts

Track Chart


Cruise Report