BODC's QXF2MAT function

BODC is committed to improving the services we provide and has developed a QXF2MAT function. This allows users to import data delivered by BODC into a Mathworks MATLAB technical computing environment.
It is designed to assist with data assimilation, however, please be aware that BODC cannot provide technical support to users should they choose to download this function.
Version 1.1 of the function is freely available to download under licence and can be used in conjunction with data supplied in our QXF format.
Find out more about the BODC QXF2MAT function (86 KB).
Software download
To download this function you are required to have a BODC web user account. If you have already registered and have an account please follow the link below. Alternatively, register to become a new user.
Download the QXF2MAT function — the download consists of a compressed zip file containing containing the software and a user guide (165 KB).
The function is designed for use in a Mathworks MATLAB technical computing environment. For MATLAB releases 2008a and earlier, the NETCDF toolbox must also be installed. An internet connection is also required as the function makes calls to the NERC Vocabulary Server to identify parameter titles and definitions.