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BODC Cruise Metadata Report for RRS Challenger (74CH) cruise CH120


This report collates information from the BODC cruise inventory and oceanographic databases. It presents

Cruise Inventory Information

Long name RRS Challenger (74CH) cruise CH120
Short name CH120
Objectives and Narrative 1) To service the DML LOIS Shelf Edge Study (SES) current mooring Y in the Tiree Passage.
2) To work the Anton Dohrn to Rockall Seamount CTD/nutrient/chlorophyll section (Ellett Line).
3) To recover the DML WOCE current meter mooring at station M (57 deg 18' N, 10 deg 23' W). This was not achieved.
4) To work CTD and water sampling sections along the SES lines N and S.
5) To measure rates of nitrogen fixation in the euphotic zone west of Scotland.
6) To collect large water samples over the shelf for Cs and Th isotope analysis.
7) To recover SES moorings from the shelf and slope regions.
8) To obtain multi-cores, gravity cores and box cores at SES stations S700, R1000, N1500 and N2000.
9) To trawl with an Agassiz trawl at deep and slope stations.
10) To obtain epibenthic sledge samples at station M in the Rockall Trough.
Ship RRS Challenger
Departure Port Plymouth, United Kingdom
Departure Date 1995-07-18
Arrival Port Ardrossan, United Kingdom
Arrival Date 1995-08-06
Principal Scientist(s) Anton Edwards (Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory)
Responsible Organisation Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory
Associated Project(s) LOIS-SES
IHB Sea Areas Visited Inner Seas off the West Coast of Scotland, North East Atlantic Ocean (limit 40W)
Marsden Squares Visited 181;4/182;3
Work Area Description NW Scotland
Unable to lookup cruise bounds at this time
Work Area Bounding Polygon
Southern Limit unknown
Northern Limit unknown
Western Limit unknown
Eastern Limit unknown

Cruise Inventory Datasets

Physical oceanography  
CTD stations Quantity: number of stations = 52
Description: Oxygen received, but rejected  
Chemical oceanography  
Ammonia Quantity: number of stations = 39
Description: Water bottle stations for nutrients and chlorophyll. Chlorophyll not held at BODC.  
Nitrate Quantity: number of stations = 39
Description: Water bottle stations for nutrients and chlorophyll. Chlorophyll not held at BODC.  
Phosphate Quantity: number of stations = 39
Description: Water bottle stations for nutrients and chlorophyll. Chlorophyll not held at BODC.  
Radioactivity Quantity: number of samples = 5
Description: Surface water samples for 137Cs  
Silicate Quantity: number of stations = 39
Description: Water bottle stations for nutrients and chlorophyll. Chlorophyll not held at BODC.  
Biology and fisheries  
Other biological/fisheries measurement Quantity: number of stations = 3
Description: Sediment oxygen demand and sulphate reduction rate incubations. SOD held by BODC.  
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Quantity: number of stations = 39
Description: Water bottle stations for nutrients and chlorophyll. Chlorophyll not held at BODC.  
Zoobenthos Quantity: number of stations = 4
Description: Macrobenthos biomass  
Zoobenthos Quantity: number of stations = 2
Description: Benthic trawls  

Cruise Inventory Mooring/Buoy Operations

No information on datasets is currently available

Summary of BODC Data Holdings for the Cruise

National Oceanographic Database


# Series Instrument Description Parameters
7 Bottle station Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column
Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column
Quality control flags
Reference numbers
Silicate concentration parameters in the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
33 Bottle station Ammonium and ammonia concentration parameters in water bodies
Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column
Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column
Quality control flags
Reference numbers
Silicate concentration parameters in the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
2 Bottle station Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column
Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column
Quality control flags
Reference numbers
Vertical spatial coordinates
52 CTD/STD cast Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
2 Fluorometers Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Date and time
Raw fluorometer output
2 Paddle wheel current meter Date and time
Horizontal velocity of the water column (currents)
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
1 Thermistor chain Date and time
Temperature of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
1 Transmissometer Date and time
Electrical conductivity of the water column
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
1 radiometers Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Date and time
Raw light meter output

Note: Parameter terms are taken from the BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary XML (SKOS)

Full List

BODC Reference Instrument Description Date/Time Location  
387669 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-05 02:26Z 55° 55' N, 8° 0' W Click for more
387670 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-05 04:22Z 55° 55' N, 7° 30' W Click for more
387682 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-05 07:00Z 55° 56' N, 7° 0' W Click for more
390131 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-25 19:54Z 56° 36' N, 8° 56' W Click for more
390143 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-25 21:57Z 56° 37' N, 9° 0' W Click for more
390155 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-25 23:25Z 56° 37' N, 9° 1' W Click for more
390167 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-26 01:49Z 56° 38' N, 9° 4' W Click for more
390179 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-26 03:12Z 56° 38' N, 9° 7' W Click for more
390180 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-26 06:02Z 56° 39' N, 9° 10' W Click for more
390192 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-26 07:39Z 56° 40' N, 9° 15' W Click for more
390211 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-27 00:52Z 56° 44' N, 9° 27' W Click for more
390223 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-27 04:19Z 56° 27' N, 9° 39' W Click for more
390235 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-27 11:54Z 56° 27' N, 9° 15' W Click for more
390247 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-27 14:35Z 56° 28' N, 9° 9' W Click for more
390259 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-27 19:47Z 56° 27' N, 9° 6' W Click for more
390260 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-27 22:28Z 56° 27' N, 9° 4' W Click for more
390272 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-27 23:33Z 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
390284 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-29 14:21Z 56° 40' N, 6° 7' W Click for more
390296 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-29 15:49Z 56° 41' N, 6° 17' W Click for more
390303 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-29 16:39Z 56° 43' N, 6° 27' W Click for more
390315 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-29 18:21Z 56° 43' N, 6° 45' W Click for more
390327 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-29 19:32Z 56° 44' N, 7° 0' W Click for more
390339 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-29 21:11Z 56° 43' N, 7° 19' W Click for more
390340 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-29 22:33Z 56° 43' N, 7° 30' W Click for more
390352 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-30 00:18Z 56° 44' N, 7° 40' W Click for more
390364 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-30 01:37Z 56° 47' N, 8° 0' W Click for more
390376 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-30 03:52Z 56° 50' N, 8° 19' W Click for more
390388 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-30 04:52Z 56° 57' N, 8° 30' W Click for more
390407 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-30 06:18Z 56° 57' N, 8° 46' W Click for more
390419 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-30 07:44Z 57° 0' N, 9° 0' W Click for more
390420 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-30 09:05Z 57° 1' N, 9° 6' W Click for more
390432 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-30 10:23Z 57° 3' N, 9° 13' W Click for more
390444 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-30 12:42Z 57° 4' N, 9° 19' W Click for more
390456 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-30 14:53Z 57° 6' N, 9° 25' W Click for more
390468 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-30 19:15Z 57° 7' N, 9° 32' W Click for more
390481 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-30 21:29Z 57° 9' N, 9° 42' W Click for more
390493 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-31 00:31Z 57° 13' N, 10° 3' W Click for more
390500 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-31 06:29Z 57° 18' N, 10° 22' W Click for more
390512 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-31 11:59Z 57° 21' N, 10° 39' W Click for more
390524 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-31 15:55Z 57° 24' N, 10° 52' W Click for more
390536 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-31 17:46Z 57° 27' N, 11° 4' W Click for more
390548 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-31 20:17Z 57° 28' N, 11° 18' W Click for more
390561 CTD/STD cast 1995-07-31 23:09Z 57° 29' N, 11° 33' W Click for more
390573 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-01 02:32Z 57° 29' N, 11° 51' W Click for more
390585 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-01 06:00Z 57° 30' N, 12° 15' W Click for more
390597 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-01 15:10Z 57° 34' N, 13° 35' W Click for more
390604 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-01 16:28Z 57° 34' N, 13° 19' W Click for more
390616 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-01 18:25Z 57° 33' N, 13° 0' W Click for more
390628 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-01 20:42Z 57° 32' N, 12° 52' W Click for more
390641 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-01 22:41Z 57° 31' N, 12° 37' W Click for more
390653 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-04 21:37Z 55° 55' N, 9° 0' W Click for more
390665 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-04 23:35Z 55° 55' N, 8° 30' W Click for more
439496 Thermistor chain 1995-07-24 17:30Z to 1995-08-15 10:30Z 56° 28' N, 8° 57' W Click for more
476058 Fluorometers 1995-07-25 12:02Z to 1995-08-15 10:02Z 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
476163 Fluorometers 1995-07-24 20:09Z to 1995-08-15 13:02Z 56° 28' N, 8° 57' W Click for more
496060 Transmissometer 1995-07-24 17:15Z to 1995-08-11 09:21Z 56° 28' N, 8° 57' W Click for more
506062 radiometers 1995-07-25 12:01Z to 1995-08-14 12:01Z 56° 28' N, 8° 57' W Click for more
508100 Paddle wheel current meter 1995-07-29 14:45Z to 1995-12-15 23:45Z 56° 37' N, 6° 24' W Click for more
508173 Paddle wheel current meter 1995-07-29 14:45Z to 1995-12-12 19:15Z 56° 37' N, 6° 24' W Click for more
1286811 Bottle station 1995-07-25 19:54Z 56° 36' N, 8° 56' W Click for more
1286823 Bottle station 1995-07-27 08:25Z 56° 27' N, 9° 19' W Click for more
1286835 Bottle station 1995-07-27 11:54Z 56° 27' N, 9° 15' W Click for more
1286847 Bottle station 1995-07-27 14:35Z 56° 28' N, 9° 9' W Click for more
1286859 Bottle station 1995-07-27 19:47Z 56° 27' N, 9° 6' W Click for more
1286860 Bottle station 1995-07-27 22:28Z 56° 27' N, 9° 4' W Click for more
1286872 Bottle station 1995-07-27 23:33Z 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
1286884 Bottle station 1995-07-28 02:15Z 56° 27' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
1286896 Bottle station 1995-07-29 14:21Z 56° 40' N, 6° 7' W Click for more
1286903 Bottle station 1995-07-29 15:49Z 56° 41' N, 6° 17' W Click for more
1286915 Bottle station 1995-07-29 16:39Z 56° 43' N, 6° 27' W Click for more
1286927 Bottle station 1995-07-25 21:57Z 56° 37' N, 9° 0' W Click for more
1286939 Bottle station 1995-07-29 18:21Z 56° 43' N, 6° 45' W Click for more
1286940 Bottle station 1995-07-29 21:11Z 56° 43' N, 7° 19' W Click for more
1286952 Bottle station 1995-07-29 22:33Z 56° 43' N, 7° 30' W Click for more
1286964 Bottle station 1995-07-30 00:18Z 56° 44' N, 7° 40' W Click for more
1286976 Bottle station 1995-07-30 01:37Z 56° 47' N, 8° 0' W Click for more
1286988 Bottle station 1995-07-30 03:52Z 56° 50' N, 8° 19' W Click for more
1287003 Bottle station 1995-07-30 06:18Z 56° 57' N, 8° 46' W Click for more
1287015 Bottle station 1995-07-30 07:44Z 57° 0' N, 9° 0' W Click for more
1287027 Bottle station 1995-07-25 23:25Z 56° 37' N, 9° 1' W Click for more
1287039 Bottle station 1995-07-30 09:05Z 57° 1' N, 9° 6' W Click for more
1287040 Bottle station 1995-07-30 10:23Z 57° 3' N, 9° 13' W Click for more
1287052 Bottle station 1995-07-30 12:42Z 57° 4' N, 9° 19' W Click for more
1287064 Bottle station 1995-07-30 14:53Z 57° 6' N, 9° 25' W Click for more
1287076 Bottle station 1995-07-30 19:15Z 57° 7' N, 9° 32' W Click for more
1287088 Bottle station 1995-07-31 00:31Z 57° 13' N, 10° 3' W Click for more
1287107 Bottle station 1995-07-31 06:29Z 57° 18' N, 10° 22' W Click for more
1287119 Bottle station 1995-07-31 11:59Z 57° 21' N, 10° 39' W Click for more
1287120 Bottle station 1995-07-26 01:49Z 56° 38' N, 9° 4' W Click for more
1287132 Bottle station 1995-07-31 17:46Z 57° 27' N, 11° 4' W Click for more
1287144 Bottle station 1995-07-31 23:09Z 57° 29' N, 11° 33' W Click for more
1287156 Bottle station 1995-08-01 06:00Z 57° 30' N, 12° 15' W Click for more
1287168 Bottle station 1995-08-01 16:28Z 57° 34' N, 13° 19' W Click for more
1287181 Bottle station 1995-08-01 20:42Z 57° 32' N, 12° 52' W Click for more
1287193 Bottle station 1995-07-26 03:12Z 56° 38' N, 9° 7' W Click for more
1287200 Bottle station 1995-07-26 06:02Z 56° 39' N, 9° 10' W Click for more
1287212 Bottle station 1995-07-26 07:39Z 56° 40' N, 9° 15' W Click for more
1287224 Bottle station 1995-07-27 00:52Z 56° 44' N, 9° 27' W Click for more
1287236 Bottle station 1995-07-27 04:19Z 56° 27' N, 9° 39' W Click for more
1287248 Bottle station 1995-07-27 14:35Z 56° 28' N, 9° 9' W Click for more
1287261 Bottle station 1995-07-27 00:52Z 56° 44' N, 9° 27' W Click for more

Project Database

# Events Gear Type Parameters Held
8 Multicorer Concentration of organic matter in sediments
Other fluxes between the bed and the water column
Stable isotopes in sediment

Sediment water content, porosity and surface area
Concentration of inorganic sulphur species in sediment
Sediment grain size parameters
5 Sample taken from ship's non-toxic supply Radioactivity in water bodies
3 Box core Zoobenthos taxonomy-related wet weight biomass per unit area of the bed
Zoobenthos non taxonomy-related wet weight biomass per unit area of the bed
3 Instrument mooring
54 CTD frame plus rosette sampler Dissolved total and organic nitrogen concentrations in the water column
Dissolved total or organic phosphorus concentration in the water column
Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column
Temperature of the water column
Salinity of the water column
Silicate concentration parameters in the water column
Ammonium and ammonia concentration parameters in water bodies
Density of the water column
Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column
Radioactivity in water bodies

Note: Parameter terms are taken from the BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary XML (SKOS)


Track Charts

Track Chart


No reports currently available