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BODC Cruise Metadata Report for FRV Clupea (74CU) cruise 0498C


This report collates information from the BODC cruise inventory and oceanographic databases. It presents

Cruise Inventory Information

Long name FRV Clupea (74CU) cruise 0498C
Short name 0498C
Objectives and Narrative 1. To determine the abundance and distribution of piscivorous demersal fish species by bottom trawl survey.
2. To determine the age and length composition, and age-length and weight-length relationships, of piscivorous demersal fish species. Stomach samples will be collected to determine the diets of these fish predators.
3. To assess the abundance of sandeels in the sediment by grab sampling survey (approximately 300 grab stations). Sandeels caught will be measured and weighed and otoliths taken for age determination. Sediment samples will be taken to investigate the relationship between sandeel density and sediment particle size distribution, and to improve the ground-truthing of the RoxAnn data.
4. To compare the effectiveness of grab sampling (a further 200 grab stations approximately) and dredging (being done by RV Bernicia) as a means of estimating sandeel density in the sediments. Sandeels caught will be measured and weighed and otoliths taken for age determination.
5. To determine the abundance and distribution of clupeids and sandeels in the water column off the Firth of Forth by echo-integrator survey.
6. To determine sandeel and clupeid age and length composition by pelagic trawl sampling. Weight-length and age-length relationships will be determined. Otoliths will be collected for age determination.
7. To map seabed sediment type using ROXANN, backed up by grab sampling.
8. To determine spatial variation in the temperature and salinity profiles in the water column using a Seabird CTD sampler.
9. To determine the abundance and distribution of other top predators (seals, cetaceans, seabirds) in relation to pelagic fish distribution.
Ship FRV Clupea
Departure Port Fraserburgh, United Kingdom
Departure Date 1998-03-03
Arrival Port Peterhead, United Kingdom
Arrival Date 1998-03-23
Principal Scientist(s) Simon Greenstreet (Fisheries Research Services Aberdeen Marine Laboratory)
Responsible Organisation Fisheries Research Services Aberdeen Marine Laboratory
Associated Project(s)
IHB Sea Areas Visited North Sea
Marsden Squares Visited 181;3
Work Area Description Moray Firth, Firth of Forth, Wee Bankie and Marr Bank
Unable to lookup cruise bounds at this time
Work Area Bounding Polygon
Southern Limit unknown
Northern Limit unknown
Western Limit unknown
Eastern Limit unknown

Cruise Inventory Datasets

Physical oceanography  
CTD stations Quantity: number of stations = 19
Description: SBE CTD stations  
Biology and fisheries  
Birds Description: Throughout Seabirds  
Demersal fish Quantity: number of hauls = 28
Description: Trawl hauls  
Other biological/fisheries measurement Description: Throughout Seals and cetaceans  
Pelagic fish Quantity: number of hauls = 3
Description: Trawl hauls  
Geology and geophysics  
Grab Quantity: number of samples = 244
Description: Grab samples  
Multi-beam echosounding Description: Throughout Echo integrator  
Other geological/geophysical measurements Description: Throughout RoxAnn  

Cruise Inventory Mooring/Buoy Operations

No information on datasets is currently available

Summary of BODC Data Holdings for the Cruise

National Oceanographic Database


# Series Instrument Description Parameters
19 CTD/STD cast Electrical conductivity of the water column
Reference numbers
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates

Note: Parameter terms are taken from the BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary XML (SKOS)

Full List

BODC Reference Instrument Description Date/Time Location  
510534 CTD/STD cast 1998-03-04 09:30Z 56° 27' N, 2° 27' W Click for more
510546 CTD/STD cast 1998-03-04 10:27Z 56° 27' N, 2° 11' W Click for more
510558 CTD/STD cast 1998-03-04 13:45Z 56° 27' N, 1° 46' W Click for more
510571 CTD/STD cast 1998-03-04 15:00Z 56° 22' N, 1° 57' W Click for more
510583 CTD/STD cast 1998-03-04 18:52Z 56° 21' N, 2° 22' W Click for more
510595 CTD/STD cast 1998-03-05 09:15Z 56° 18' N, 1° 51' W Click for more
510602 CTD/STD cast 1998-03-05 12:25Z 56° 16' N, 1° 31' W Click for more
510614 CTD/STD cast 1998-03-05 13:20Z 56° 13' N, 1° 38' W Click for more
510626 CTD/STD cast 1998-03-06 08:25Z 56° 3' N, 1° 59' W Click for more
510638 CTD/STD cast 1998-03-06 09:45Z 56° 2' N, 1° 43' W Click for more
510651 CTD/STD cast 1998-03-06 12:55Z 56° 2' N, 1° 21' W Click for more
510663 CTD/STD cast 1998-03-06 13:40Z 56° 7' N, 1° 28' W Click for more
510675 CTD/STD cast 1998-03-06 17:04Z 56° 8' N, 1° 52' W Click for more
510687 CTD/STD cast 1998-03-07 09:30Z 56° 7' N, 2° 29' W Click for more
510699 CTD/STD cast 1998-03-07 10:20Z 56° 10' N, 2° 21' W Click for more
510706 CTD/STD cast 1998-03-07 13:15Z 56° 17' N, 2° 8' W Click for more
510718 CTD/STD cast 1998-03-07 14:15Z 56° 12' N, 1° 56' W Click for more
510731 CTD/STD cast 1998-03-07 17:10Z 56° 6' N, 2° 10' W Click for more
510743 CTD/STD cast 1998-03-08 12:48Z 56° 7' N, 2° 50' W Click for more

Project Database

No data currently held for this cruise in the BODC Project Database


Track Charts

Track Chart

Track Chart

Track Chart

Track Chart

Track Chart


Cruise Report