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BODC Cruise Metadata Report for RRS James Clark Ross (74JC) cruise JR20000912 (AMT11, JR52 Leg1, JR53)


This report collates information from the BODC cruise inventory and oceanographic databases. It presents

Cruise Inventory Information

Long name RRS James Clark Ross (74JC) cruise JR20000912 (AMT11, JR52 Leg1, JR53)
Short name JR20000912 (AMT11, JR52 Leg1, JR53)
Objectives and Narrative The AMT11 cruise sailed from Grimsby in the United Kingdom on 12th September 2000, and ended in Montevideo, Uruguay on October 11th.
The long-term objectives of the AMT programme are:
1. To better understand the links between biogeochemical processes, biogenic gas exchange, air-sea interactions and the effects on and the responses of oceanic ecosystems to climate change.
2. To investigate the functional roles of biological particles, and the processes that influence ocean colour in ecosystem dynamics.
3. To develop algorithms and the validation of remotely sensed observations of ocean colour.
As previously the cruise was centred close to 20 degrees West for the southern transect in the northern hemisphere, the track then deviated to the east to carry out the BAS swath bathymetry research survey (refer to cruise report JR53), which was essentially a cruise within the AMT whose main objective was to survey an 80 km section of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Following this work, the cruise transect headed south-westerly past Ascension Island across the south Atlantic gyre, and on to Montevideo, Uruguay.
During AMT11 and JR53, work was undertaken to test and develop the AutoFlux air-sea interaction system amd its assocaited prototype instrumentation. The system is intended to provide real-time air-sea fluxes of momentum, sensible heat, latent heat and CO2 in addition to meteorological parameters. Work on this system continued on the subsequent cruise from 11 Oct to 17 Oct 2000 between Montevideo, Uruguay and Stanley, Falkland Islands (JR52 Leg2, JR20001013).
Ship RRS James Clark Ross
Departure Port Grimsby, United Kingdom
Departure Date 2000-09-12
Arrival Port Montevideo, Uruguay
Arrival Date 2000-10-11
Principal Scientist(s) E Malcolm S Woodward (Plymouth Marine Laboratory)
Responsible Organisation Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Associated Project(s) Atlantic Meridonal Transect (AMT)
IHB Sea Areas Visited North Atlantic Ocean, South Atlantic Ocean
Marsden Squares Visited 110/145/146/2/302/338/375/39/412/413/75
Work Area Description
Unable to lookup cruise bounds at this time
Work Area Bounding Polygon
Southern Limit unknown
Northern Limit unknown
Western Limit unknown
Eastern Limit unknown

Cruise Inventory Datasets

Physical oceanography  
CTD stations Description: CTD equipment and the Sound Velocity Profiler were tested, to insure they were both operational. No. of test not noted.  
Water bottle stations Description: Regular sampling of non-toxic surface water. No. of smaples not noted.  
Chemical oceanography  
Ammonia Description: Nutrient sampling took place. Nitrates, Nitrites, Silicate, Phosphate and Ammonia were all collected. No. of samples not noted.  
Nitrate Description: Nutrient sampling took place. Nitrates, Nitrites, Silicate, Phosphate and Ammonia were all collected. No. of samples not noted.  
Nitrite Description: Nutrient sampling took place. Nitrates, Nitrites, Silicate, Phosphate and Ammonia were all collected. No. of samples not noted.  
Phosphate Description: Nutrient sampling took place. Nitrates, Nitrites, Silicate, Phosphate and Ammonia were all collected. No. of samples not noted.  
Silicate Description: Nutrient sampling took place. Nitrates, Nitrites, Silicate, Phosphate and Ammonia were all collected. No. of samples not noted.  
Biology and fisheries  
Gear research Quantity: number of deployments = 1
Description: At AMT11 station 03a, a sound velocity profiler was trialled  
Phytoplankton Description: Phytoplankton samples were collected. No. of samples not noted.  
Zooplankton Description: Zooplankton samples were collected. No. of samples not noted.  
Geology and geophysics  
Multi-beam echosounding Quantity: number of surveys = 1
Description: multibeam survey  
Multi-beam echosounding Quantity: activity duration in days = 28
Description: TOPAS and EM120 data was collected throughout the cruise  

Cruise Inventory Mooring/Buoy Operations

No information on datasets is currently available

Summary of BODC Data Holdings for the Cruise

National Oceanographic Database


# Series Instrument Description Parameters
92 Bottle station Ammonium and ammonia concentration parameters in water bodies
Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column
Nitrite concentration parameters in the water column
Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column
Quality control flags
Reference numbers
Silicate concentration parameters in the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
67 Bottle station Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Quality control flags
Reference numbers
Vertical spatial coordinates
19 Bottle station Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column
Quality control flags
Reference numbers
Vertical spatial coordinates
24 Bottle station Carotenoid and flavenoid pigment concentrations in water bodies
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Quality control flags
Reference numbers
Vertical spatial coordinates
45 CTD/STD cast Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Density of the water column
Raw fluorometer output
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the water column
1 CTD/STD cast Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Density of the water column
Raw fluorometer output
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
1 Meteorological data logger Air pressure
Air temperature
Date and time
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates
Solar Radiation
Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the atmosphere
Wind strength and direction
1 Multiple instrument types Date and time
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates
Raw fluorometer output
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
1 Pumped water sample Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Date and time
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates
1 Single-beam echosounder Bathymetry and Elevation
Date and time
Horizontal platform movement
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates

Note: Parameter terms are taken from the BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary XML (SKOS)

Full List

BODC Reference Instrument Description Date/Time Location  
1069159 CTD/STD cast 2000-09-15 04:20Z 47° 57' N, 10° 38' W Click for more
1069160 CTD/STD cast 2000-09-15 09:54Z 47° 7' N, 11° 34' W Click for more
1069172 CTD/STD cast 2000-09-16 04:34Z 43° 55' N, 14° 3' W Click for more
1069184 CTD/STD cast 2000-09-16 10:54Z 42° 58' N, 14° 45' W Click for more
1069196 CTD/STD cast 2000-09-17 04:30Z 39° 57' N, 16° 58' W Click for more
1069203 CTD/STD cast 2000-09-17 10:50Z 38° 57' N, 17° 41' W Click for more
1069215 CTD/STD cast 2000-09-18 04:52Z 35° 52' N, 19° 49' W Click for more
1069227 CTD/STD cast 2000-09-19 04:50Z 31° 34' N, 21° 11' W Click for more
1069239 CTD/STD cast 2000-09-19 10:49Z 30° 33' N, 21° 23' W Click for more
1069240 CTD/STD cast 2000-09-20 04:49Z 27° 15' N, 21° 58' W Click for more
1069252 CTD/STD cast 2000-09-20 10:48Z 26° 13' N, 21° 46' W Click for more
1069264 CTD/STD cast 2000-09-21 04:49Z 22° 57' N, 21° 10' W Click for more
1069276 CTD/STD cast 2000-09-21 10:48Z 21° 57' N, 21° 0' W Click for more
1069288 CTD/STD cast 2000-09-23 10:49Z 12° 45' N, 20° 39' W Click for more
1069307 CTD/STD cast 2000-09-24 04:52Z 9° 42' N, 19° 29' W Click for more
1069319 CTD/STD cast 2000-09-24 10:49Z 8° 49' N, 18° 58' W Click for more
1069320 CTD/STD cast 2000-09-25 04:49Z 5° 58' N, 17° 26' W Click for more
1069332 CTD/STD cast 2000-09-25 10:50Z 5° 6' N, 16° 55' W Click for more
1069344 CTD/STD cast 2000-09-26 05:02Z 2° 9' N, 15° 21' W Click for more
1069356 CTD/STD cast 2000-09-26 10:52Z 1° 21' N, 14° 53' W Click for more
1069368 CTD/STD cast 2000-09-27 04:42Z 1° 22' S, 13° 12' W Click for more
1069381 CTD/STD cast 2000-09-27 10:08Z 2° 7' S, 13° 8' W Click for more
1069393 CTD/STD cast 2000-09-28 04:17Z 2° 8' S, 12° 51' W Click for more
1069400 CTD/STD cast 2000-09-28 09:42Z 1° 21' S, 12° 43' W Click for more
1069412 CTD/STD cast 2000-09-29 10:49Z 4° 28' S, 12° 37' W Click for more
1069424 CTD/STD cast 2000-09-30 04:51Z 7° 13' S, 14° 18' W Click for more
1069436 CTD/STD cast 2000-09-30 10:52Z 8° 1' S, 14° 50' W Click for more
1069448 CTD/STD cast 2000-10-01 05:35Z 10° 13' S, 17° 27' W Click for more
1069461 CTD/STD cast 2000-10-01 11:49Z 10° 54' S, 18° 15' W Click for more
1069473 CTD/STD cast 2000-10-02 05:52Z 13° 1' S, 20° 46' W Click for more
1069485 CTD/STD cast 2000-10-02 11:45Z 13° 40' S, 21° 34' W Click for more
1069497 CTD/STD cast 2000-10-03 05:35Z 15° 45' S, 24° 4' W Click for more
1069504 CTD/STD cast 2000-10-03 11:49Z 16° 25' S, 24° 54' W Click for more
1069516 CTD/STD cast 2000-10-04 05:35Z 18° 27' S, 27° 24' W Click for more
1069528 CTD/STD cast 2000-10-04 11:47Z 19° 7' S, 28° 14' W Click for more
1069541 CTD/STD cast 2000-10-05 05:36Z 21° 3' S, 30° 39' W Click for more
1069553 CTD/STD cast 2000-10-05 11:47Z 21° 44' S, 31° 31' W Click for more
1069565 CTD/STD cast 2000-10-06 06:05Z 23° 48' S, 34° 7' W Click for more
1069577 CTD/STD cast 2000-10-06 12:47Z 24° 36' S, 35° 9' W Click for more
1069589 CTD/STD cast 2000-10-07 06:07Z 26° 36' S, 37° 45' W Click for more
1069590 CTD/STD cast 2000-10-07 12:47Z 27° 19' S, 38° 42' W Click for more
1069608 CTD/STD cast 2000-10-08 06:21Z 29° 18' S, 41° 21' W Click for more
1069621 CTD/STD cast 2000-10-08 13:01Z 30° 5' S, 42° 22' W Click for more
1069633 CTD/STD cast 2000-10-09 12:47Z 33° 9' S, 46° 36' W Click for more
1069645 CTD/STD cast 2000-09-18 10:49Z 34° 55' N, 20° 27' W Click for more
1069657 CTD/STD cast 2000-09-14 09:58Z 49° 37' N, 5° 26' W Click for more
1095387 Bottle station 2000-10-04 11:50Z 19° 7' S, 28° 14' W Click for more
1095399 Bottle station 2000-09-15 09:56Z 47° 7' N, 11° 34' W Click for more
1095406 Bottle station 2000-09-26 10:55Z 1° 21' N, 14° 53' W Click for more
1095418 Bottle station 2000-10-01 11:53Z 10° 54' S, 18° 15' W Click for more
1095431 Bottle station 2000-10-06 06:08Z 23° 48' S, 34° 7' W Click for more
1095443 Bottle station 2000-09-14 10:00Z 49° 37' N, 5° 26' W Click for more
1095455 Bottle station 2000-09-16 10:57Z 42° 58' N, 14° 45' W Click for more
1095467 Bottle station 2000-09-19 04:52Z 31° 34' N, 21° 11' W Click for more
1095479 Bottle station 2000-09-21 04:52Z 22° 57' N, 21° 10' W Click for more
1095480 Bottle station 2000-09-24 04:54Z 9° 42' N, 19° 29' W Click for more
1095492 Bottle station 2000-09-28 04:19Z 2° 8' S, 12° 51' W Click for more
1095511 Bottle station 2000-09-30 04:54Z 7° 13' S, 14° 18' W Click for more
1095523 Bottle station 2000-10-02 05:54Z 13° 1' S, 20° 46' W Click for more
1095535 Bottle station 2000-10-04 05:38Z 18° 27' S, 27° 24' W Click for more
1095547 Bottle station 2000-10-06 12:50Z 24° 35' S, 35° 9' W Click for more
1095559 Bottle station 2000-10-08 06:25Z 29° 18' S, 41° 21' W Click for more
1095560 Bottle station 2000-09-15 04:23Z 47° 57' N, 10° 38' W Click for more
1095572 Bottle station 2000-09-16 04:36Z 43° 55' N, 14° 3' W Click for more
1095584 Bottle station 2000-09-17 10:53Z 38° 57' N, 17° 41' W Click for more
1095596 Bottle station 2000-09-18 04:54Z 35° 52' N, 19° 49' W Click for more
1095603 Bottle station 2000-09-19 10:52Z 30° 33' N, 21° 23' W Click for more
1095615 Bottle station 2000-09-20 04:52Z 27° 15' N, 21° 58' W Click for more
1095627 Bottle station 2000-09-21 10:51Z 21° 57' N, 21° 0' W Click for more
1095639 Bottle station 2000-09-23 10:52Z 12° 45' N, 20° 39' W Click for more
1095640 Bottle station 2000-09-24 10:52Z 8° 49' N, 18° 58' W Click for more
1095652 Bottle station 2000-09-25 04:52Z 5° 58' N, 17° 26' W Click for more
1095664 Bottle station 2000-09-27 04:45Z 1° 22' S, 13° 12' W Click for more
1095676 Bottle station 2000-09-27 10:10Z 2° 7' S, 13° 8' W Click for more
1095688 Bottle station 2000-09-28 09:45Z 1° 21' S, 12° 43' W Click for more
1095707 Bottle station 2000-09-29 10:53Z 4° 28' S, 12° 37' W Click for more
1095719 Bottle station 2000-09-30 10:56Z 8° 1' S, 14° 50' W Click for more
1095720 Bottle station 2000-10-01 05:38Z 10° 13' S, 17° 27' W Click for more
1095732 Bottle station 2000-10-02 11:49Z 13° 40' S, 21° 34' W Click for more
1095744 Bottle station 2000-10-03 05:39Z 15° 45' S, 24° 4' W Click for more
1095756 Bottle station 2000-10-03 11:53Z 16° 25' S, 24° 54' W Click for more
1095768 Bottle station 2000-10-05 11:50Z 21° 44' S, 31° 31' W Click for more
1095781 Bottle station 2000-10-07 06:10Z 26° 36' S, 37° 45' W Click for more
1095793 Bottle station 2000-10-07 12:50Z 27° 19' S, 38° 42' W Click for more
1095800 Bottle station 2000-10-08 13:04Z 30° 5' S, 42° 22' W Click for more
1095812 Bottle station 2000-10-09 12:50Z 33° 9' S, 46° 36' W Click for more
1095824 Bottle station 2000-09-20 10:51Z 26° 13' N, 21° 46' W Click for more
1095836 Bottle station 2000-09-26 05:06Z 2° 9' N, 15° 21' W Click for more
1095848 Bottle station 2000-09-17 04:32Z 39° 57' N, 16° 58' W Click for more
1095861 Bottle station 2000-09-25 10:53Z 5° 6' N, 16° 55' W Click for more
1095873 Bottle station 2000-10-05 05:39Z 21° 3' S, 30° 39' W Click for more
1095885 Bottle station 2000-09-18 10:52Z 34° 55' N, 20° 27' W Click for more
1223084 Single-beam echosounder 2000-09-13 18:09:10Z to 2000-10-11 10:50:10Z From 50° 48' N, 1° 6' W to 34° 58' S, 56° 10' W Click for more
1223096 Meteorological data logger 2000-09-13 18:09:10Z to 2000-10-11 10:50:10Z From 50° 48' N, 1° 6' W to 34° 58' S, 56° 10' W Click for more
1223103 Multiple instrument types 2000-09-13 18:09:10Z to 2000-10-11 10:50:10Z From 50° 48' N, 1° 6' W to 34° 58' S, 56° 10' W Click for more
1632725 Bottle station 2000-09-14 10:00Z 49° 37' N, 5° 26' W Click for more
1632737 Bottle station 2000-09-15 04:23Z 47° 57' N, 10° 38' W Click for more
1632749 Bottle station 2000-09-15 09:56Z 47° 7' N, 11° 34' W Click for more
1632750 Bottle station 2000-09-16 04:36Z 43° 55' N, 14° 3' W Click for more
1632762 Bottle station 2000-09-16 10:57Z 42° 58' N, 14° 45' W Click for more
1632774 Bottle station 2000-09-17 04:32Z 39° 57' N, 16° 58' W Click for more
1632786 Bottle station 2000-09-17 10:53Z 38° 57' N, 17° 41' W Click for more
1632798 Bottle station 2000-09-18 04:54Z 35° 52' N, 19° 49' W Click for more
1632805 Bottle station 2000-09-18 10:52Z 34° 55' N, 20° 27' W Click for more
1632817 Bottle station 2000-09-19 04:52Z 31° 34' N, 21° 11' W Click for more
1632829 Bottle station 2000-09-19 10:52Z 30° 33' N, 21° 23' W Click for more
1632830 Bottle station 2000-09-20 04:52Z 27° 15' N, 21° 58' W Click for more
1632842 Bottle station 2000-09-20 10:51Z 26° 13' N, 21° 46' W Click for more
1632854 Bottle station 2000-09-21 04:52Z 22° 57' N, 21° 10' W Click for more
1632866 Bottle station 2000-09-21 10:51Z 21° 57' N, 21° 0' W Click for more
1632878 Bottle station 2000-09-23 10:52Z 12° 45' N, 20° 39' W Click for more
1632891 Bottle station 2000-09-24 04:54Z 9° 42' N, 19° 29' W Click for more
1632909 Bottle station 2000-09-24 10:52Z 8° 49' N, 18° 58' W Click for more
1632910 Bottle station 2000-09-25 04:52Z 5° 58' N, 17° 26' W Click for more
1632922 Bottle station 2000-09-25 10:53Z 5° 6' N, 16° 55' W Click for more
1632934 Bottle station 2000-09-26 05:06Z 2° 9' N, 15° 21' W Click for more
1632946 Bottle station 2000-09-26 10:55Z 1° 21' N, 14° 53' W Click for more
1632958 Bottle station 2000-09-27 04:45Z 1° 22' S, 13° 12' W Click for more
1632971 Bottle station 2000-09-27 10:10Z 2° 7' S, 13° 8' W Click for more
1632983 Bottle station 2000-09-28 04:19Z 2° 8' S, 12° 51' W Click for more
1632995 Bottle station 2000-09-28 09:45Z 1° 21' S, 12° 43' W Click for more
1633009 Bottle station 2000-09-29 10:53Z 4° 28' S, 12° 37' W Click for more
1633010 Bottle station 2000-09-30 04:54Z 7° 13' S, 14° 18' W Click for more
1633022 Bottle station 2000-09-30 10:56Z 8° 1' S, 14° 50' W Click for more
1633034 Bottle station 2000-10-01 05:38Z 10° 13' S, 17° 27' W Click for more
1633046 Bottle station 2000-10-01 11:53Z 10° 54' S, 18° 15' W Click for more
1633058 Bottle station 2000-10-02 05:54Z 13° 1' S, 20° 46' W Click for more
1633071 Bottle station 2000-10-02 11:49Z 13° 40' S, 21° 34' W Click for more
1633083 Bottle station 2000-10-03 05:39Z 15° 45' S, 24° 4' W Click for more
1633095 Bottle station 2000-10-03 11:53Z 16° 25' S, 24° 54' W Click for more
1633102 Bottle station 2000-10-04 05:38Z 18° 27' S, 27° 24' W Click for more
1633114 Bottle station 2000-10-04 11:50Z 19° 7' S, 28° 14' W Click for more
1633126 Bottle station 2000-10-05 05:39Z 21° 3' S, 30° 39' W Click for more
1633138 Bottle station 2000-10-05 11:50Z 21° 44' S, 31° 31' W Click for more
1633151 Bottle station 2000-10-06 06:08Z 23° 48' S, 34° 7' W Click for more
1633163 Bottle station 2000-10-06 12:50Z 24° 35' S, 35° 9' W Click for more
1633175 Bottle station 2000-10-07 06:10Z 26° 36' S, 37° 45' W Click for more
1633187 Bottle station 2000-10-07 12:50Z 27° 19' S, 38° 42' W Click for more
1633199 Bottle station 2000-10-08 06:25Z 29° 18' S, 41° 21' W Click for more
1633206 Bottle station 2000-10-08 13:04Z 30° 5' S, 42° 22' W Click for more
1633218 Bottle station 2000-10-09 12:50Z 33° 9' S, 46° 36' W Click for more
1677130 Pumped water sample 2000-09-14 07:06Z to 2000-10-09 16:00Z 33° 29' S to 49° 48' N; 47° 4' W to 4° 37' W Click for more
1787070 Bottle station 2000-09-17 04:32Z 39° 57' N, 16° 58' W Click for more
1787082 Bottle station 2000-09-18 04:54Z 35° 52' N, 19° 49' W Click for more
1787094 Bottle station 2000-09-19 04:52Z 31° 34' N, 21° 11' W Click for more
1787101 Bottle station 2000-09-20 04:52Z 27° 15' N, 21° 58' W Click for more
1787113 Bottle station 2000-09-21 04:52Z 22° 57' N, 21° 10' W Click for more
1787125 Bottle station 2000-09-24 04:54Z 9° 42' N, 19° 29' W Click for more
1787137 Bottle station 2000-09-25 04:52Z 5° 58' N, 17° 26' W Click for more
1787149 Bottle station 2000-09-26 05:06Z 2° 9' N, 15° 21' W Click for more
1787150 Bottle station 2000-09-27 04:45Z 1° 22' S, 13° 12' W Click for more
1787162 Bottle station 2000-09-28 04:19Z 2° 8' S, 12° 51' W Click for more
1787174 Bottle station 2000-09-30 04:54Z 7° 13' S, 14° 18' W Click for more
1787186 Bottle station 2000-10-01 05:38Z 10° 13' S, 17° 27' W Click for more
1787198 Bottle station 2000-10-02 05:54Z 13° 1' S, 20° 46' W Click for more
1787205 Bottle station 2000-10-03 05:39Z 15° 45' S, 24° 4' W Click for more
1787217 Bottle station 2000-10-04 05:38Z 18° 27' S, 27° 24' W Click for more
1787229 Bottle station 2000-10-05 05:39Z 21° 3' S, 30° 39' W Click for more
1787230 Bottle station 2000-10-06 06:08Z 23° 48' S, 34° 7' W Click for more
1787242 Bottle station 2000-10-07 06:10Z 26° 36' S, 37° 45' W Click for more
1787254 Bottle station 2000-10-08 06:25Z 29° 18' S, 41° 21' W Click for more
1853105 Bottle station 2000-09-15 04:23Z 47° 57' N, 10° 38' W Click for more
1853117 Bottle station 2000-09-15 09:56Z 47° 7' N, 11° 34' W Click for more
1853129 Bottle station 2000-09-16 04:36Z 43° 55' N, 14° 3' W Click for more
1853130 Bottle station 2000-09-16 10:57Z 42° 58' N, 14° 45' W Click for more
1853142 Bottle station 2000-09-17 04:32Z 39° 57' N, 16° 58' W Click for more
1853154 Bottle station 2000-09-17 10:53Z 38° 57' N, 17° 41' W Click for more
1853166 Bottle station 2000-09-18 04:54Z 35° 52' N, 19° 49' W Click for more
1853178 Bottle station 2000-09-18 10:52Z 34° 55' N, 20° 27' W Click for more
1853191 Bottle station 2000-09-19 04:52Z 31° 34' N, 21° 11' W Click for more
1853209 Bottle station 2000-09-19 10:52Z 30° 33' N, 21° 23' W Click for more
1853210 Bottle station 2000-09-20 04:52Z 27° 15' N, 21° 58' W Click for more
1853222 Bottle station 2000-09-20 10:51Z 26° 13' N, 21° 46' W Click for more
1853234 Bottle station 2000-09-21 04:52Z 22° 57' N, 21° 10' W Click for more
1853246 Bottle station 2000-09-21 10:51Z 21° 57' N, 21° 0' W Click for more
1853258 Bottle station 2000-09-23 10:52Z 12° 45' N, 20° 39' W Click for more
1853271 Bottle station 2000-09-24 04:54Z 9° 42' N, 19° 29' W Click for more
1853283 Bottle station 2000-09-24 10:52Z 8° 49' N, 18° 58' W Click for more
1853295 Bottle station 2000-09-25 04:52Z 5° 58' N, 17° 26' W Click for more
1853302 Bottle station 2000-09-25 10:53Z 5° 6' N, 16° 55' W Click for more
1853314 Bottle station 2000-09-26 05:06Z 2° 9' N, 15° 21' W Click for more
1853326 Bottle station 2000-09-26 10:55Z 1° 21' N, 14° 53' W Click for more
1853338 Bottle station 2000-09-27 04:45Z 1° 22' S, 13° 12' W Click for more
1853351 Bottle station 2000-09-27 10:10Z 2° 7' S, 13° 8' W Click for more
1853363 Bottle station 2000-09-28 04:19Z 2° 8' S, 12° 51' W Click for more
1853375 Bottle station 2000-09-28 09:45Z 1° 21' S, 12° 43' W Click for more
1853387 Bottle station 2000-09-29 10:53Z 4° 28' S, 12° 37' W Click for more
1853399 Bottle station 2000-09-30 04:54Z 7° 13' S, 14° 18' W Click for more
1853406 Bottle station 2000-09-30 10:56Z 8° 1' S, 14° 50' W Click for more
1853418 Bottle station 2000-10-01 05:38Z 10° 13' S, 17° 27' W Click for more
1853431 Bottle station 2000-10-01 11:53Z 10° 54' S, 18° 15' W Click for more
1853443 Bottle station 2000-10-02 05:54Z 13° 1' S, 20° 46' W Click for more
1853455 Bottle station 2000-10-02 11:49Z 13° 40' S, 21° 34' W Click for more
1853467 Bottle station 2000-10-03 05:39Z 15° 45' S, 24° 4' W Click for more
1853479 Bottle station 2000-10-03 11:53Z 16° 25' S, 24° 54' W Click for more
1853480 Bottle station 2000-10-04 05:38Z 18° 27' S, 27° 24' W Click for more
1853492 Bottle station 2000-10-04 11:50Z 19° 7' S, 28° 14' W Click for more
1853511 Bottle station 2000-10-05 05:39Z 21° 3' S, 30° 39' W Click for more
1853523 Bottle station 2000-10-05 11:50Z 21° 44' S, 31° 31' W Click for more
1853535 Bottle station 2000-10-06 06:08Z 23° 48' S, 34° 7' W Click for more
1853547 Bottle station 2000-10-06 12:50Z 24° 35' S, 35° 9' W Click for more
1853559 Bottle station 2000-10-07 06:10Z 26° 36' S, 37° 45' W Click for more
1853560 Bottle station 2000-10-07 12:50Z 27° 19' S, 38° 42' W Click for more
1853572 Bottle station 2000-10-08 06:25Z 29° 18' S, 41° 21' W Click for more
1853584 Bottle station 2000-10-08 13:04Z 30° 5' S, 42° 22' W Click for more
1853596 Bottle station 2000-10-09 12:50Z 33° 9' S, 46° 36' W Click for more
1890379 Bottle station 2000-09-14 10:00Z 49° 37' N, 5° 26' W Click for more
1890380 Bottle station 2000-09-15 04:23Z 47° 57' N, 10° 38' W Click for more
1890392 Bottle station 2000-09-15 09:56Z 47° 7' N, 11° 34' W Click for more
1890411 Bottle station 2000-09-16 04:36Z 43° 55' N, 14° 3' W Click for more
1890423 Bottle station 2000-09-16 10:57Z 42° 58' N, 14° 45' W Click for more
1890435 Bottle station 2000-09-17 04:32Z 39° 57' N, 16° 58' W Click for more
1890447 Bottle station 2000-09-17 10:53Z 38° 57' N, 17° 41' W Click for more
1890459 Bottle station 2000-09-18 04:54Z 35° 52' N, 19° 49' W Click for more
1890460 Bottle station 2000-09-18 10:52Z 34° 55' N, 20° 27' W Click for more
1890472 Bottle station 2000-09-19 04:52Z 31° 34' N, 21° 11' W Click for more
1890484 Bottle station 2000-09-19 10:52Z 30° 33' N, 21° 23' W Click for more
1890496 Bottle station 2000-09-20 04:52Z 27° 15' N, 21° 58' W Click for more
1890503 Bottle station 2000-09-20 10:51Z 26° 13' N, 21° 46' W Click for more
1890515 Bottle station 2000-09-21 04:52Z 22° 57' N, 21° 10' W Click for more
1890527 Bottle station 2000-09-21 10:51Z 21° 57' N, 21° 0' W Click for more
1890539 Bottle station 2000-09-23 10:52Z 12° 45' N, 20° 39' W Click for more
1890540 Bottle station 2000-09-24 04:54Z 9° 42' N, 19° 29' W Click for more
1890552 Bottle station 2000-09-24 10:52Z 8° 49' N, 18° 58' W Click for more
1890564 Bottle station 2000-09-25 04:52Z 5° 58' N, 17° 26' W Click for more
1890576 Bottle station 2000-09-25 10:53Z 5° 6' N, 16° 55' W Click for more
1890588 Bottle station 2000-09-26 05:06Z 2° 9' N, 15° 21' W Click for more
1890607 Bottle station 2000-09-26 10:55Z 1° 21' N, 14° 53' W Click for more
1890619 Bottle station 2000-09-27 04:45Z 1° 22' S, 13° 12' W Click for more
1890620 Bottle station 2000-09-27 10:10Z 2° 7' S, 13° 8' W Click for more
1890632 Bottle station 2000-09-28 04:19Z 2° 8' S, 12° 51' W Click for more
1890644 Bottle station 2000-09-28 09:45Z 1° 21' S, 12° 43' W Click for more
1890656 Bottle station 2000-09-29 10:53Z 4° 28' S, 12° 37' W Click for more
1890668 Bottle station 2000-09-30 04:54Z 7° 13' S, 14° 18' W Click for more
1890681 Bottle station 2000-09-30 10:56Z 8° 1' S, 14° 50' W Click for more
1890693 Bottle station 2000-10-01 05:38Z 10° 13' S, 17° 27' W Click for more
1890700 Bottle station 2000-10-01 11:53Z 10° 54' S, 18° 15' W Click for more
1890712 Bottle station 2000-10-02 05:54Z 13° 1' S, 20° 46' W Click for more
1890724 Bottle station 2000-10-02 11:49Z 13° 40' S, 21° 34' W Click for more
1890736 Bottle station 2000-10-03 05:39Z 15° 45' S, 24° 4' W Click for more
1890748 Bottle station 2000-10-03 11:53Z 16° 25' S, 24° 54' W Click for more
1890761 Bottle station 2000-10-04 05:38Z 18° 27' S, 27° 24' W Click for more
1890773 Bottle station 2000-10-04 11:50Z 19° 7' S, 28° 14' W Click for more
1890785 Bottle station 2000-10-05 05:39Z 21° 3' S, 30° 39' W Click for more
1890797 Bottle station 2000-10-05 11:50Z 21° 44' S, 31° 31' W Click for more
1890804 Bottle station 2000-10-06 06:08Z 23° 48' S, 34° 7' W Click for more
1890816 Bottle station 2000-10-06 12:50Z 24° 35' S, 35° 9' W Click for more
1890828 Bottle station 2000-10-07 06:10Z 26° 36' S, 37° 45' W Click for more
1890841 Bottle station 2000-10-07 12:50Z 27° 19' S, 38° 42' W Click for more
1890853 Bottle station 2000-10-08 06:25Z 29° 18' S, 41° 21' W Click for more
1890865 Bottle station 2000-10-08 13:04Z 30° 5' S, 42° 22' W Click for more
1890877 Bottle station 2000-10-09 12:50Z 33° 9' S, 46° 36' W Click for more

Project Database

# Events Gear Type Parameters Held
46 CTD frame plus rosette sampler Bacterial production in the water column
Carotenoid and flavenoid pigment concentrations in water bodies
Nitrite concentration parameters in the water column
Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column
Temperature of the water column
Salinity of the water column
Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column
Bacteria generic abundance in water bodies
Silicate concentration parameters in the water column
Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the water column
Bacteria taxonomic abundance in water bodies
Ammonium and ammonia concentration parameters in water bodies
Raw light meter output
Density of the water column
Raw fluorometer output
Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column
Oxygen production and respiration in the water column
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Light absorption in the water column
Primary production in the water column
131 Sample taken from ship's non-toxic supply Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies

Note: Parameter terms are taken from the BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary XML (SKOS)


Track Charts

Track Chart


Cruise Report

Cruise Report

Cruise Report