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BODC Cruise Metadata Report for RRS Discovery (74E3) cruise D267


This report collates information from the BODC cruise inventory and oceanographic databases. It presents

Cruise Inventory Information

Long name RRS Discovery (74E3) cruise D267
Short name D267
Objectives and Narrative RRS Discovery cruise 267 was the fourth of four cruises supported by the NERC Marine Productivity (MarProd) thematic programme. The MarProd cruise series provided the main opportunity for data- and sample-gathering to address the overall programme goal, viz: "to develop coupled modelling and observation systems for the pelagic ecosystem, with emphasis on physical factors affecting zooplankton dynamics". The specific objectives of the fourth and final MarProd cruise are similar to those of the earlier cruises (D258, 262 and 264), namely:

1. To map the physical features of the survey region (Irminger Sea and parts of the Iceland Basin) in terms of water mass distribution, velocity field and mixed layer properties.
2. Collect water samples for plant pigment and microscopic analyses, to estimate the biomass of different taxonomic/functional groups of microplankton.
3. Measure high resolution profiles of inorganic nutrient concentrations.
4. Determine the 3D abundance of the mesoplankton of interest (primarily Calanus finmarchicus, but also Oithona spp.), and their planktivorous predators (primarily euphausid spp), obtaining material for further taxonomic, physiological and biochemical studies.

In addition, because this was the second winter cruise a number of other studies previously only undertaken on the spring and summer cruises were undertaken on this cruise to determine the closure winter baseline conditions. These studies covered:
* Oithona feeding experiments
* Oithona and Calanus egg production
* C/N and stable isotope ratios
* Primary productivity incubations
* Underway continuous sampling by, and station deployment of, a Fast Repetition rate fluorometer (FRRF), for comparison with primary production experiments.
Ship RRS Discovery
Departure Port Fairlie, United Kingdom
Departure Date 2002-11-06
Arrival Port Southampton, United Kingdom
Arrival Date 2002-12-19
Principal Scientist(s) John T Allen (Southampton Oceanography Centre), Steven J Hay (Fisheries Research Services Aberdeen Marine Laboratory)
Responsible Organisation Southampton Oceanography Centre, Fisheries Research Services Aberdeen Marine Laboratory
Associated Project(s) Marine Productivity
IHB Sea Areas Visited North East Atlantic Ocean (limit 40W)
Marsden Squares Visited 181/182/218/219/220
Work Area Description Northern North Atlantic, Iceland Basin, Irminger Sea, Reykjanes Ridge
Unable to lookup cruise bounds at this time
Work Area Bounding Polygon
Southern Limit unknown
Northern Limit unknown
Western Limit unknown
Eastern Limit unknown

Cruise Inventory Datasets

Physical oceanography  
CTD stations Quantity: number of deployments = 12
Description: ARIES for collection of zooplankton and measurement of other parameters with CTD, fluorometer, transmissometer, Optical Plankton Counter and water bottles for nutrients, salinity and chlorophyll (for calibration).  
CTD stations Quantity: number of stations = 19
Description: CTD: primary and secondary temperature and conductivity sensors, oxygen, fluorometer, transmissometer, light back scatter and altimeter. Also attached to the frame were two ADCPs operating at 600 and 300 KHz and water bottles.  
Current profiler (eg ADCP) Quantity: number of stations = 19
Description: CTD: primary and secondary temperature and conductivity sensors, oxygen, fluorometer, transmissometer, light back scatter and altimeter. Also attached to the frame were two ADCPs operating at 600 and 300 KHz and water bottles.  
Current profiler (eg ADCP) Quantity: activity duration in days = 43
Description: Underway measurements using fluorometer, echo sounder (EA 500), VM-ADCP (Ocean Surveyor) and shipborne wave recorder.  
Instrumented wave measurements Quantity: activity duration in days = 43
Description: Underway measurements using fluorometer, echo sounder (EA 500), VM-ADCP (Ocean Surveyor) and shipborne wave recorder.  
Subsurface temperature and salinity measurements Quantity: activity duration in days = 43
Description: Underway measurements using fluorometer, echo sounder (EA 500), VM-ADCP (Ocean Surveyor) and shipborne wave recorder.  
Subsurface temperature and salinity measurements Quantity: number of deployments = 12
Description: ARIES for collection of zooplankton and measurement of other parameters with CTD, fluorometer, transmissometer, Optical Plankton Counter and water bottles for nutrients, salinity and chlorophyll (for calibration).  
Subsurface temperature and salinity measurements Quantity: number of hauls = 12
Description: Ocean Sampler for collection of zooplankton, fitted with Optical Plankton Counter and water bottles for nutrients, salinity and chlorophyll (for calibration).  
Transparency (eg transmissometer) Quantity: number of deployments = 12
Description: ARIES for collection of zooplankton and measurement of other parameters with CTD, fluorometer, transmissometer, Optical Plankton Counter and water bottles for nutrients, salinity and chlorophyll (for calibration).  
Transparency (eg transmissometer) Quantity: number of stations = 19
Description: CTD: primary and secondary temperature and conductivity sensors, oxygen, fluorometer, transmissometer, light back scatter and altimeter. Also attached to the frame were two ADCPs operating at 600 and 300 KHz and water bottles.  
Chemical oceanography  
Isotopes Quantity: number of stations = 19
Description: Water samples taken for analysis of oxygen, ammonia, nutrients, salinity, chlorophyll and stable isotopes at all CTD stations.  
Nitrate Quantity: number of deployments = 12
Description: ARIES for collection of zooplankton and measurement of other parameters with CTD, fluorometer, transmissometer, Optical Plankton Counter and water bottles for nutrients, salinity and chlorophyll (for calibration).  
Nitrate Quantity: number of hauls = 12
Description: Ocean Sampler for collection of zooplankton, fitted with Optical Plankton Counter and water bottles for nutrients, salinity and chlorophyll (for calibration).  
Nitrate Quantity: number of stations = 19
Description: Water samples taken for analysis of oxygen, ammonia, nutrients, salinity, chlorophyll and stable isotopes at all CTD stations.  
Nitrite Quantity: number of deployments = 12
Description: ARIES for collection of zooplankton and measurement of other parameters with CTD, fluorometer, transmissometer, Optical Plankton Counter and water bottles for nutrients, salinity and chlorophyll (for calibration).  
Nitrite Quantity: number of hauls = 12
Description: Ocean Sampler for collection of zooplankton, fitted with Optical Plankton Counter and water bottles for nutrients, salinity and chlorophyll (for calibration).  
Nitrite Quantity: number of stations = 19
Description: Water samples taken for analysis of oxygen, ammonia, nutrients, salinity, chlorophyll and stable isotopes at all CTD stations.  
Oxygen Quantity: number of stations = 19
Description: CTD: primary and secondary temperature and conductivity sensors, oxygen, fluorometer, transmissometer, light back scatter and altimeter. Also attached to the frame were two ADCPs operating at 600 and 300 KHz and water bottles.  
Oxygen Quantity: number of stations = 19
Description: Water samples taken for analysis of oxygen, ammonia, nutrients, salinity, chlorophyll and stable isotopes at all CTD stations.  
Phosphate Quantity: number of hauls = 12
Description: Ocean Sampler for collection of zooplankton, fitted with Optical Plankton Counter and water bottles for nutrients, salinity and chlorophyll (for calibration).  
Phosphate Quantity: number of deployments = 12
Description: ARIES for collection of zooplankton and measurement of other parameters with CTD, fluorometer, transmissometer, Optical Plankton Counter and water bottles for nutrients, salinity and chlorophyll (for calibration).  
Phosphate Quantity: number of stations = 19
Description: Water samples taken for analysis of oxygen, ammonia, nutrients, salinity, chlorophyll and stable isotopes at all CTD stations.  
Biology and fisheries  
Biochemical measurements (eg lipids, amino acids) Quantity: number of deployments = 12
Description: ARIES for collection of zooplankton and measurement of other parameters with CTD, fluorometer, transmissometer, Optical Plankton Counter and water bottles for nutrients, salinity and chlorophyll (for calibration).  
Mammals and reptiles Quantity: number of observations = 6
Description: Cetacean surveys lasting in total 260 minutes.  
Nekton Quantity: number of hauls = 12
Description: Dual Methot for plankton collection.  
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Quantity: number of deployments = 12
Description: ARIES for collection of zooplankton and measurement of other parameters with CTD, fluorometer, transmissometer, Optical Plankton Counter and water bottles for nutrients, salinity and chlorophyll (for calibration).  
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Quantity: activity duration in days = 43
Description: Underway measurements using fluorometer, echo sounder (EA 500), VM-ADCP (Ocean Surveyor) and shipborne wave recorder.  
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Quantity: number of stations = 19
Description: Water samples taken for analysis of oxygen, ammonia, nutrients, salinity, chlorophyll and stable isotopes at all CTD stations.  
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Quantity: number of hauls = 12
Description: Ocean Sampler for collection of zooplankton, fitted with Optical Plankton Counter and water bottles for nutrients, salinity and chlorophyll (for calibration).  
Primary productivity Quantity: number of deployments = 12
Description: ARIES for collection of zooplankton and measurement of other parameters with CTD, fluorometer, transmissometer, Optical Plankton Counter and water bottles for nutrients, salinity and chlorophyll (for calibration).  
Zooplankton Quantity: number of deployments = 12
Description: ARIES for collection of zooplankton and measurement of other parameters with CTD, fluorometer, transmissometer, Optical Plankton Counter and water bottles for nutrients, salinity and chlorophyll (for calibration).  
Zooplankton Quantity: number of hauls = 12
Description: Ocean Sampler for collection of zooplankton, fitted with Optical Plankton Counter and water bottles for nutrients, salinity and chlorophyll (for calibration).  
Zooplankton Quantity: number of hauls = 12
Description: Dual Methot for plankton collection.  
Geology and geophysics  
Single-beam echosounding Quantity: activity duration in days = 43
Description: Underway measurements using fluorometer, echo sounder (EA 500), VM-ADCP (Ocean Surveyor) and shipborne wave recorder.  

Cruise Inventory Mooring/Buoy Operations

No information on datasets is currently available

Summary of BODC Data Holdings for the Cruise

National Oceanographic Database


# Series Instrument Description Parameters
18 Acoustic doppler current profiler Acoustic backscatter in the water column
Date and time
Reference numbers
Vertical spatial coordinates
41 Acoustic doppler current profiler Acoustic backscatter in the water column
Date and time
Horizontal platform movement
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates
Metadata parameters
Reference numbers
Vertical spatial coordinates
66 Acoustic doppler current profiler Acoustic backscatter in the water column
Date and time
Horizontal platform movement
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates
Horizontal velocity of the water column (currents)
Metadata parameters
Raw current meter output parameters
Vertical spatial coordinates
Vertical velocity of the water column (currents)
24 Optical plankton counter Bathymetry and Elevation
Date and time
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates
Metadata parameters
Reference numbers
Sampling parameters
Sea level
Vertical spatial coordinates
Zooplankton non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column

Note: Parameter terms are taken from the BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary XML (SKOS)

Full List

BODC Reference Instrument Description Date/Time Location  
647124 Optical plankton counter 2002-11-15 16:29:30Z to 2002-11-15 17:30:30Z From 61° 40' N, 27° 3' W to 61° 42' N, 27° 7' W Click for more
647136 Optical plankton counter 2002-11-15 20:54:31Z to 2002-11-15 23:36:31Z From 61° 47' N, 27° 19' W to 61° 52' N, 27° 30' W Click for more
647148 Optical plankton counter 2002-11-16 13:36:00Z to 2002-11-16 14:35:29Z From 62° 36' N, 29° 7' W to 62° 33' N, 29° 6' W Click for more
647161 Optical plankton counter 2002-11-16 15:26:49Z to 2002-11-16 19:43:50Z From 62° 32' N, 29° 9' W to 62° 21' N, 29° 6' W Click for more
647173 Optical plankton counter 2002-11-19 23:02:02Z to 2002-11-20 00:15:02Z From 63° 58' N, 31° 13' W to 64° 1' N, 31° 16' W Click for more
647185 Optical plankton counter 2002-11-20 04:13:25Z to 2002-11-20 09:52:25Z From 64° 9' N, 31° 27' W to 64° 23' N, 31° 46' W Click for more
647197 Optical plankton counter 2002-11-21 01:01:23Z to 2002-11-21 02:31:23Z From 65° 11' N, 33° 22' W to 65° 15' N, 33° 22' W Click for more
647204 Optical plankton counter 2002-11-25 01:23:12Z to 2002-11-25 02:48:13Z From 63° 37' N, 24° 58' W to 63° 40' N, 24° 48' W Click for more
647216 Optical plankton counter 2002-11-25 05:09:20Z to 2002-11-25 06:15:20Z From 63° 40' N, 24° 47' W to 63° 42' N, 24° 41' W Click for more
647228 Optical plankton counter 2002-11-29 00:22:34Z to 2002-11-29 01:34:34Z From 60° 8' N, 29° 12' W to 60° 9' N, 29° 17' W Click for more
647241 Optical plankton counter 2002-11-29 05:18:33Z to 2002-11-29 07:59:04Z From 60° 10' N, 29° 30' W to 60° 10' N, 29° 39' W Click for more
647253 Optical plankton counter 2002-11-30 10:26:25Z to 2002-11-30 11:46:55Z From 60° 31' N, 32° 4' W to 60° 30' N, 32° 11' W Click for more
647265 Optical plankton counter 2002-12-01 07:46:41Z to 2002-12-01 13:04:09Z From 60° 42' N, 33° 8' W to 60° 27' N, 33° 16' W Click for more
647277 Optical plankton counter 2002-12-02 09:55:25Z to 2002-12-02 14:22:23Z From 62° 33' N, 29° 10' W to 62° 24' N, 29° 7' W Click for more
647289 Optical plankton counter 2002-12-07 18:53:40Z to 2002-12-07 20:05:39Z From 59° 22' N, 11° 10' W to 59° 21' N, 11° 16' W Click for more
647290 Optical plankton counter 2002-12-07 23:17:23Z to 2002-12-08 02:37:22Z From 59° 19' N, 11° 27' W to 59° 18' N, 11° 41' W Click for more
647308 Optical plankton counter 2002-12-09 00:33:33Z to 2002-12-09 01:08:02Z From 57° 1' N, 9° 1' W to 57° 3' N, 9° 4' W Click for more
647321 Optical plankton counter 2002-12-09 04:25:50Z to 2002-12-09 07:04:19Z From 57° 11' N, 9° 23' W to 57° 12' N, 9° 34' W Click for more
647333 Optical plankton counter 2002-12-12 01:57:33Z to 2002-12-12 03:11:03Z From 54° 3' N, 16° 3' W to 54° 3' N, 16° 10' W Click for more
647345 Optical plankton counter 2002-12-12 06:44:40Z to 2002-12-12 12:34:08Z From 54° 1' N, 16° 25' W to 54° 0' N, 16° 57' W Click for more
647357 Optical plankton counter 2002-12-12 21:47:26Z to 2002-12-12 22:55:26Z From 53° 59' N, 17° 58' W to 53° 59' N, 18° 3' W Click for more
647369 Optical plankton counter 2002-12-13 01:56:16Z to 2002-12-13 08:08:44Z From 54° 0' N, 18° 14' W to 54° 0' N, 18° 49' W Click for more
647370 Optical plankton counter 2002-12-13 19:01:50Z to 2002-12-13 20:11:20Z From 53° 58' N, 20° 27' W to 53° 58' N, 20° 32' W Click for more
647382 Optical plankton counter 2002-12-13 23:11:20Z to 2002-12-14 05:21:18Z From 54° 0' N, 20° 40' W to 54° 0' N, 21° 13' W Click for more
662760 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-15 11:26Z to 2002-11-15 12:23Z 61° 40' N, 27° 0' W Click for more
662772 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-16 04:10Z to 2002-11-16 05:56Z 62° 21' N, 28° 31' W Click for more
662784 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-16 10:07Z to 2002-11-16 11:55Z 62° 37' N, 29° 9' W Click for more
662796 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-19 09:55Z to 2002-11-19 12:06Z 63° 16' N, 30° 24' W Click for more
662803 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-19 19:31Z to 2002-11-19 21:51Z 63° 57' N, 31° 11' W Click for more
662815 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-20 10:18Z to 2002-11-20 10:44Z 64° 23' N, 31° 47' W Click for more
662827 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-20 16:29Z to 2002-11-20 18:23Z 64° 56' N, 32° 31' W Click for more
662839 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-21 06:23Z to 2002-11-21 07:24Z 65° 15' N, 33° 18' W Click for more
662840 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-12-07 07:57Z to 2002-12-07 10:30Z 59° 24' N, 11° 7' W Click for more
662852 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-15 11:26Z to 2002-11-15 12:23Z 61° 40' N, 27° 0' W Click for more
662864 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-16 04:10Z to 2002-11-16 05:56Z 62° 21' N, 28° 31' W Click for more
662876 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-16 10:07Z to 2002-11-16 11:55Z 62° 37' N, 29° 9' W Click for more
662888 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-19 09:55Z to 2002-11-19 12:06Z 63° 16' N, 30° 24' W Click for more
662907 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-19 19:31Z to 2002-11-19 21:51Z 63° 57' N, 31° 11' W Click for more
662919 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-20 10:19Z to 2002-11-20 10:44Z 64° 23' N, 31° 47' W Click for more
662920 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-20 16:29Z to 2002-11-20 18:23Z 64° 56' N, 32° 31' W Click for more
662932 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-21 06:23Z to 2002-11-21 07:24Z 65° 15' N, 33° 18' W Click for more
662944 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-12-07 07:57Z to 2002-12-07 10:30Z 59° 24' N, 11° 7' W Click for more
665677 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-06 13:59:46Z to 2002-11-06 15:57:46Z From 55° 45' N, 5° 0' W to 55° 45' N, 5° 0' W Click for more
665689 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-06 15:59:46Z to 2002-11-07 15:57:45Z From 55° 45' N, 5° 0' W to 55° 15' N, 5° 39' W Click for more
665690 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-07 15:59:46Z to 2002-11-08 15:57:45Z From 55° 15' N, 5° 40' W to 57° 56' N, 6° 9' W Click for more
665708 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-08 15:59:47Z to 2002-11-09 15:58:36Z From 57° 57' N, 6° 9' W to 59° 12' N, 10° 9' W Click for more
665721 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-09 16:00:36Z to 2002-11-10 15:58:36Z From 59° 12' N, 10° 9' W to 60° 14' N, 17° 34' W Click for more
665733 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-10 16:00:36Z to 2002-11-11 15:58:35Z From 60° 14' N, 17° 34' W to 60° 39' N, 22° 49' W Click for more
665745 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-11 16:00:37Z to 2002-11-12 15:58:37Z From 60° 39' N, 22° 49' W to 62° 31' N, 24° 36' W Click for more
665757 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-12 16:00:36Z to 2002-11-13 15:58:36Z From 62° 31' N, 24° 37' W to 64° 9' N, 21° 56' W Click for more
665769 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-13 16:00:36Z to 2002-11-14 15:58:36Z From 64° 9' N, 21° 56' W to 64° 6' N, 22° 49' W Click for more
665770 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-14 16:00:35Z to 2002-11-15 15:58:35Z From 64° 6' N, 22° 50' W to 61° 40' N, 27° 2' W Click for more
665782 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-15 16:00:37Z to 2002-11-16 15:58:37Z From 61° 40' N, 27° 2' W to 62° 31' N, 29° 9' W Click for more
665794 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-16 16:00:36Z to 2002-11-17 15:58:37Z From 62° 30' N, 29° 9' W to 62° 1' N, 27° 47' W Click for more
665801 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-17 16:00:36Z to 2002-11-18 15:58:36Z From 62° 1' N, 27° 47' W to 62° 34' N, 27° 25' W Click for more
665813 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-18 16:00:36Z to 2002-11-19 15:58:36Z From 62° 35' N, 27° 25' W to 63° 32' N, 30° 40' W Click for more
665825 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-19 16:00:37Z to 2002-11-20 15:58:37Z From 63° 33' N, 30° 40' W to 64° 54' N, 32° 28' W Click for more
665837 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-20 16:00:37Z to 2002-11-21 15:58:37Z From 64° 54' N, 32° 29' W to 64° 16' N, 32° 52' W Click for more
665849 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-21 16:00:36Z to 2002-11-22 15:58:36Z From 64° 15' N, 32° 52' W to 60° 49' N, 35° 2' W Click for more
665850 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-22 16:00:36Z to 2002-11-23 15:58:36Z From 60° 49' N, 35° 2' W to 62° 37' N, 28° 28' W Click for more
665862 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-23 16:00:37Z to 2002-11-24 15:58:37Z From 62° 37' N, 28° 28' W to 64° 9' N, 21° 56' W Click for more
665874 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-24 16:00:37Z to 2002-11-25 15:58:24Z From 64° 9' N, 21° 56' W to 64° 9' N, 21° 55' W Click for more
665886 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-25 16:00:26Z to 2002-11-26 15:58:26Z From 64° 9' N, 21° 55' W to 64° 9' N, 21° 56' W Click for more
665898 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-26 16:00:25Z to 2002-11-27 15:58:25Z From 64° 9' N, 21° 56' W to 64° 9' N, 21° 56' W Click for more
665905 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-27 16:00:25Z to 2002-11-28 15:57:26Z From 64° 9' N, 21° 56' W to 61° 4' N, 27° 54' W Click for more
665917 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-28 15:59:26Z to 2002-11-29 15:57:27Z From 61° 4' N, 27° 54' W to 60° 21' N, 30° 54' W Click for more
665929 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-29 15:59:27Z to 2002-11-30 15:57:27Z From 60° 21' N, 30° 54' W to 60° 16' N, 32° 49' W Click for more
665930 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-30 15:59:29Z to 2002-12-01 15:57:29Z From 60° 16' N, 32° 50' W to 60° 34' N, 32° 57' W Click for more
665942 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-12-01 15:59:28Z to 2002-12-02 15:57:28Z From 60° 35' N, 32° 57' W to 62° 24' N, 29° 9' W Click for more
665954 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-12-02 15:59:27Z to 2002-12-03 15:57:27Z From 62° 24' N, 29° 9' W to 60° 42' N, 29° 16' W Click for more
665966 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-12-03 15:59:27Z to 2002-12-04 15:57:27Z From 60° 42' N, 29° 16' W to 60° 9' N, 22° 22' W Click for more
665978 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-12-04 15:59:29Z to 2002-12-05 15:58:18Z From 60° 9' N, 22° 22' W to 59° 40' N, 14° 38' W Click for more
665991 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-12-05 16:00:17Z to 2002-12-06 15:58:17Z From 59° 40' N, 14° 37' W to 59° 22' N, 11° 31' W Click for more
666005 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-12-06 16:00:18Z to 2002-12-07 15:58:18Z From 59° 22' N, 11° 30' W to 59° 23' N, 11° 12' W Click for more
666017 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-12-07 16:00:18Z to 2002-12-08 15:58:16Z From 59° 23' N, 11° 12' W to 57° 37' N, 9° 41' W Click for more
666029 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-12-08 16:00:17Z to 2002-12-09 15:58:17Z From 57° 37' N, 9° 40' W to 57° 13' N, 10° 3' W Click for more
666030 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-12-09 16:00:17Z to 2002-12-10 15:58:17Z From 57° 13' N, 10° 3' W to 56° 46' N, 10° 34' W Click for more
666042 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-12-10 16:00:18Z to 2002-12-11 15:58:16Z From 56° 46' N, 10° 34' W to 54° 0' N, 15° 33' W Click for more
666054 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-12-11 16:00:17Z to 2002-12-12 15:58:19Z From 54° 0' N, 15° 33' W to 54° 0' N, 17° 55' W Click for more
666066 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-12-12 16:00:17Z to 2002-12-13 15:58:17Z From 54° 0' N, 17° 56' W to 53° 59' N, 20° 28' W Click for more
666078 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-12-13 16:00:17Z to 2002-12-14 15:58:17Z From 53° 59' N, 20° 28' W to 53° 36' N, 20° 47' W Click for more
666091 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-12-14 16:00:17Z to 2002-12-15 15:58:19Z From 53° 36' N, 20° 46' W to 52° 7' N, 15° 19' W Click for more
666109 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-12-15 16:00:18Z to 2002-12-16 15:58:18Z From 52° 6' N, 15° 19' W to 50° 25' N, 9° 24' W Click for more
668779 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-06 13:59:46Z to 2002-11-06 15:57:46Z From 55° 45' N, 5° 0' W to 55° 45' N, 5° 0' W Click for more
668780 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-06 15:59:46Z to 2002-11-07 15:57:45Z From 55° 45' N, 5° 0' W to 55° 15' N, 5° 39' W Click for more
668792 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-07 15:59:46Z to 2002-11-08 15:57:45Z From 55° 15' N, 5° 40' W to 57° 56' N, 6° 9' W Click for more
668811 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-08 15:59:47Z to 2002-11-09 15:58:36Z From 57° 57' N, 6° 9' W to 59° 12' N, 10° 9' W Click for more
668823 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-09 16:00:36Z to 2002-11-10 15:58:36Z From 59° 12' N, 10° 9' W to 60° 14' N, 17° 34' W Click for more
668835 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-10 16:00:36Z to 2002-11-11 15:58:35Z From 60° 14' N, 17° 34' W to 60° 39' N, 22° 49' W Click for more
668847 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-11 16:00:37Z to 2002-11-12 15:58:37Z From 60° 39' N, 22° 49' W to 62° 31' N, 24° 36' W Click for more
668859 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-12 16:00:36Z to 2002-11-13 15:58:36Z From 62° 31' N, 24° 37' W to 64° 9' N, 21° 56' W Click for more
668860 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-13 16:00:36Z to 2002-11-14 15:58:36Z From 64° 9' N, 21° 56' W to 64° 6' N, 22° 49' W Click for more
668872 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-14 16:00:35Z to 2002-11-15 15:58:35Z From 64° 6' N, 22° 50' W to 61° 40' N, 27° 2' W Click for more
668884 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-15 16:00:37Z to 2002-11-16 15:58:37Z From 61° 40' N, 27° 2' W to 62° 31' N, 29° 9' W Click for more
668896 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-16 16:00:36Z to 2002-11-17 15:58:37Z From 62° 30' N, 29° 9' W to 62° 1' N, 27° 47' W Click for more
668903 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-17 16:00:36Z to 2002-11-18 15:58:36Z From 62° 1' N, 27° 47' W to 62° 34' N, 27° 25' W Click for more
668915 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-18 16:00:36Z to 2002-11-19 15:58:36Z From 62° 35' N, 27° 25' W to 63° 32' N, 30° 40' W Click for more
668927 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-19 16:00:37Z to 2002-11-20 15:58:37Z From 63° 33' N, 30° 40' W to 64° 54' N, 32° 28' W Click for more
668939 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-20 16:00:37Z to 2002-11-21 15:58:37Z From 64° 54' N, 32° 29' W to 64° 16' N, 32° 52' W Click for more
668940 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-21 16:00:36Z to 2002-11-22 15:58:36Z From 64° 15' N, 32° 52' W to 60° 49' N, 35° 2' W Click for more
668952 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-22 16:00:36Z to 2002-11-23 15:58:36Z From 60° 49' N, 35° 2' W to 62° 37' N, 28° 28' W Click for more
668964 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-23 16:00:37Z to 2002-11-24 15:58:37Z From 62° 37' N, 28° 28' W to 64° 9' N, 21° 56' W Click for more
668976 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-24 16:00:37Z to 2002-11-25 15:58:24Z From 64° 9' N, 21° 56' W to 64° 9' N, 21° 55' W Click for more
668988 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-11-25 16:00:26Z to 2002-11-26 15:58:26Z From 64° 9' N, 21° 55' W to 64° 9' N, 21° 56' W Click for more
669003 Acoustic doppler current profiler