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BODC Cruise Metadata Report for RRS Charles Darwin (74AB) cruise CD129


This report collates information from the BODC cruise inventory and oceanographic databases. It presents

Cruise Inventory Information

Long name RRS Charles Darwin (74AB) cruise CD129
Short name CD129
Objectives and Narrative Cruise 129 of the RRS Charles Darwin was designed to investigate the history of the Deep Western Boundary Current in the Madagascar and Mascarene Basins and make hydrographic and biological measurements in support of those objectives. Swath bathymetry (10 kHz) and 3.5 kHz sub-bottom profiles were recorded continuously. Kasten (16) and box (29) cores were recovered and one piston core. 16 CTD casts with transmissometer and fluorometer, and plankton net hauls at 9 stations (generally 3 tow depths per station) were also deployed. The topography proved to be quite rugged on the ridges to the north and south of Madagascar, as was the western flank of the Mascarene Ridge. This made it impossible to find coring targets at the depths of AAIW. Furthermore, much of the sediment apron east of Madagascar is made of turbidites and only a few contourite deposits, none forming a significant sediment drift. It appears that the deep Western boundary current is not particularly strong here, and recent work has shown that the dominant current is related to Rossby waves in the basin with a period of 60 days. Nevertheless sufficient material has been obtained in order to examine aspects of the paleoceanography and flow history in this basin, especially from the flow constriction in Amirante Passage.
Ship RRS Charles Darwin
Departure Port Durban, South Africa
Departure Date 2001-07-06
Arrival Port Port Louis, Mauritius
Arrival Date 2001-08-11
Principal Scientist(s) I Nicholas McCave (University of Cambridge Department of Earth Sciences)
Responsible Organisation University of Cambridge Department of Earth Sciences
Associated Project(s)
IHB Sea Areas Visited Indian Ocean
Marsden Squares Visited 366/402
Work Area Description Mascarene Basin
Unable to lookup cruise bounds at this time
Work Area Bounding Polygon
Southern Limit unknown
Northern Limit unknown
Western Limit unknown
Eastern Limit unknown

Cruise Inventory Datasets

No information on datasets is currently available for this cruise

Cruise Inventory Mooring/Buoy Operations

No information on datasets is currently available

Summary of BODC Data Holdings for the Cruise

National Oceanographic Database


# Series Instrument Description Parameters
16 CTD/STD cast Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates

Note: Parameter terms are taken from the BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary XML (SKOS)

Full List

BODC Reference Instrument Description Date/Time Location  
624672 CTD/STD cast 2001-07-08 20:21Z 35° 7' S, 35° 32' E Click for more
624684 CTD/STD cast 2001-07-13 16:07Z 32° 39' S, 48° 28' E Click for more
624696 CTD/STD cast 2001-07-14 14:04Z 31° 18' S, 48° 30' E Click for more
624703 CTD/STD cast 2001-07-16 22:42Z 29° 24' S, 47° 22' E Click for more
624715 CTD/STD cast 2001-07-19 07:17Z 25° 51' S, 47° 55' E Click for more
624727 CTD/STD cast 2001-07-21 22:34Z 19° 58' S, 50° 49' E Click for more
624739 CTD/STD cast 2001-07-22 14:07Z 20° 0' S, 50° 20' E Click for more
624740 CTD/STD cast 2001-07-23 08:34Z 20° 0' S, 49° 46' E Click for more
624752 CTD/STD cast 2001-07-26 17:53Z 13° 36' S, 51° 12' E Click for more
624764 CTD/STD cast 2001-07-27 12:53Z 13° 4' S, 51° 18' E Click for more
624776 CTD/STD cast 2001-07-30 01:13Z 10° 11' S, 52° 8' E Click for more
624788 CTD/STD cast 2001-07-30 18:05Z 10° 9' S, 51° 46' E Click for more
624807 CTD/STD cast 2001-08-04 21:31Z 11° 15' S, 58° 10' E Click for more
624819 CTD/STD cast 2001-08-07 06:06Z 16° 28' S, 57° 49' E Click for more
624820 CTD/STD cast 2001-08-08 04:34Z 16° 25' S, 58° 15' E Click for more
624832 CTD/STD cast 2001-08-09 05:15Z 16° 15' S, 58° 18' E Click for more

Project Database

No data currently held for this cruise in the BODC Project Database


Track Charts

No track charts currently available


Cruise Report