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BODC Cruise Metadata Report for FRV Clupea (74CU) cruise 1702C_2


This report collates information from the BODC cruise inventory and oceanographic databases. It presents

Cruise Inventory Information

Long name FRV Clupea (74CU) cruise 1702C_2
Short name 1702C_2
Objectives and Narrative Cruise is in 2 parts: 16 to 25 Oct and 25 Oct to 04 Nov.
1. To carry out detailed acoustic surveys in selected lochs, using the EK 500 to determine the distribution of herring and sprat. Concentrations of pelagic fish to be sampled using the PT 154. Species composition and length frequency distributions of the fish caught to be determined. Sub samples to be weighed and otolithed to establish length weight relationships (whole and eviscerated). Herring samples to be analysed for sex, maturity and Ichthyoponus infection. Stomachs and DNA samples to also be taken. Detailed photographs of herring will be taken for future morphometric measurements.
2. To carry out demersal trawls in Lochs Kishorn, Duich, Hourn, Nevis and Sunart as part of the Aqcess program, to determine the abundance, distribution and variation of fish species and any epibenthic mega-fauna using the BT 158 trawl and the 2.88 m beam trawl where appropriate. At each trawl station the length frequency of all species to be taken and sub samples of the major commercial species weighed (whole and eviscerated) and otolithed. Stomach contents to be removed from selected species for trophic studies.
3. To remove kidney samples from as many species as possible throughout the survey area for IPN analysis.
Ship FRV Clupea
Departure Port Kyle of Lochalsh, United Kingdom
Departure Date 2002-10-25
Arrival Port Fraserburgh, United Kingdom
Arrival Date 2002-11-04
Principal Scientist(s) James A M Kinnear (Fisheries Research Services Aberdeen Marine Laboratory)
Responsible Organisation Fisheries Research Services Aberdeen Marine Laboratory
Associated Project(s) Aqcess
IHB Sea Areas Visited Inner Seas off the West Coast of Scotland
Marsden Squares Visited 181;4
Work Area Description Loch Kishorn, Loch Duich, Loch Hourn, Loch Nevis, Loch Sunart
Unable to lookup cruise bounds at this time
Work Area Bounding Polygon
Southern Limit unknown
Northern Limit unknown
Western Limit unknown
Eastern Limit unknown

Cruise Inventory Datasets

Physical oceanography  
CTD stations Quantity: number of profiles = 21
Description: Seabird CTD profiles, stationary stations at each trawl  
Biology and fisheries  
Crustaceans Quantity: number of hauls = 14
Description: Bt158 trawl with 10mm codend  
Crustaceans Quantity: number of hauls = 8
Description: Beam trawl.  
Demersal fish Quantity: number of hauls = 8
Description: Beam trawl.  
Demersal fish Quantity: number of hauls = 14
Description: Bt158 trawl with 10mm codend  
Molluscs Quantity: number of hauls = 14
Description: Bt158 trawl with 10mm codend  
Molluscs Quantity: number of hauls = 8
Description: Beam trawl.  
Pelagic fish Quantity: number of hauls = 13
Description: Pt154 trawl with 6mm codend  

Cruise Inventory Mooring/Buoy Operations

No information on datasets is currently available

Summary of BODC Data Holdings for the Cruise

National Oceanographic Database


# Series Instrument Description Parameters
9 CTD/STD cast Density of the water column
Electrical conductivity of the water column
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates

Note: Parameter terms are taken from the BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary XML (SKOS)

Full List

BODC Reference Instrument Description Date/Time Location  
615828 CTD/STD cast 2002-10-26 13:12Z 57° 19' N, 5° 44' W Click for more
615841 CTD/STD cast 2002-10-27 15:00Z 57° 16' N, 5° 31' W Click for more
615853 CTD/STD cast 2002-10-28 08:30Z 57° 14' N, 5° 28' W Click for more
615865 CTD/STD cast 2002-10-28 13:40Z 57° 15' N, 5° 29' W Click for more
615877 CTD/STD cast 2002-10-28 16:00Z 57° 7' N, 5° 36' W Click for more
615889 CTD/STD cast 2002-10-29 12:55Z 57° 0' N, 5° 41' W Click for more
615890 CTD/STD cast 2002-10-29 15:00Z 56° 59' N, 5° 40' W Click for more
615908 CTD/STD cast 2002-10-31 08:30Z 56° 41' N, 5° 47' W Click for more
615921 CTD/STD cast 2002-10-31 10:45Z 56° 39' N, 5° 57' W Click for more

Project Database

No data currently held for this cruise in the BODC Project Database


Track Charts

No track charts currently available


Cruise Report