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Minamitorishima (Japan) Site History

History Summary

Station name Minamitorishima
Country Japan
Latitude 24° 18.0' N
Longitude 153° 58.0' E
GLOSS No. 104
Contributor Japan Meteorological Agency
Instrument Type Pressure gauge
Observational Periods Gauge operational: 1996 - present
Data available: 2001 - 2009


Reference Level

All heights have been referred to the station Tide Gauge Zero (TGZ) which is linked to fixed bench marks.

Tide Gauge Benchmark (TGBM) Description

Japan Meteorlogical Agency Benchmark bolt inside tide gauge hut, adjacent to stilling well

Benchmark Relationships

Year Standard Mark (TGBM)
above Datum Line (TGZ)
Standard Mark (TGBM)
above Tokyo Peil (TP)
TGZ below TP
2001-2002 Not available Not available Not available
2003 Not available Not available -1.948
2004 Not available Not available -1.986
2005 Not available Not available -2.001
2006 Not available Not available -1.994
2007 Not available Not available -1.973
2008 Not available Not available -1.965
2008 Not available Not available -1.933

Parameter Code

ASLVTD01 - The elevation of the sea surface by fixed in-situ pressure sensor to an unspecifed datum, measured in metres.

Quality Assessment

The daily or monthly means do not reveal any obvious reference level shifts. Data spikes of about 10cm or less have not been corrected.

Completeness index (CI)

Sea level data from Japan is processed for each year. Occasionally data is missing from the data sets, either because the data set does not cover the whole year or because data has been flagged null. The number of cycles in a year with no missing data is calculated (based on the sample interval and whether a leap year). The completeness index calculates what proportion of the data expected in a year is present and not flagged null.

Quality index (QI)

During processing cycles considered suspect within a series are flagged M. The quality index calculates what proportion of the data available is not considered suspect.

Yearly overview of data

Year CI (%) QI (%) Start and end date (UTC) Sampling interval
Missing Data
(cycle no.)
Suspect Data
(cycle no.)
Parameter Code
2001 66.6 100.0 2000-12-31 15:00 to 2001-08-31 14:00 60 None None ASLVZZ01
2002 95.7 100.0 2002-01-15 23:00 to 2002-12-31 14:00 60 2693-2698, 5981-5984, 6050-6051 None ASLVZZ01
2003 99.9 100.0 2002-12-31 15:00 to 2003-12-31 14:00 60 3634-3635, 7757-7760, 7786-7788 None ASLVZZ01
2004 100.0 100.0 2003-12-31 15:00 to 2004-12-31 14:00 60 None None ASLVZZ01
2005 99.9 99.9 2004-12-31 15:00 to 2005-12-31 14:00 60 6468-6471 5085-5089 ASLVZZ01
2006 80.9 100.0 2005-12-31 15:00 to 2006-12-31 14:00 60 3155-3158, 3346-3352, 5657, 5660, 5840-7499 None ASLVZZ01
2007 99.9 100.0 2006-12-31 15:00 to 2007-12-31 14:00 60 2742-2750, 5257-5260 None ASLVZZ01
2008 98.8 100.0 2007-12-31 15:00 to 2008-12-31 14:00 60 3351-3352, 7494-7496, 7992-8095 None ASLVZZ01
2009 98.5 100.0 2008-12-31 15:00 to 2009-12-31 14:00 60 410-417, 1688-1697, 2450-2457, 3725-3730, 5566-5658, 5981-5986 None ASLVZZ01