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DML Line Z

Line Z is a survey section in the North Channel between Northern Ireland and Stranraer (Scotland). The line comprises six fixed CTD stations, which were established as part of routine monitoring work on the Scottish continental shelf by Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory (DML). The line was occupied in the 1980s and 1990s.

Nominal station details:

DML Line Z: Copeland Islands (Northern Ireland) - Portpatrick (Stranraer, Scotland)

Station Nominal latitude Nominal longitude Approx.
depth (m)
1Z 54 40.0' N 05 30.0' W 32 Copeland Islands
2Z 54 41.6' N 05 25.0' W 100  
3Z 54 43.2' N 05 20.0' W 160  
4Z 54 44.8' N 05 15.0' W 270  
5Z 54 46.4' N 05 10.0' W 130  
6Z 54 48.0' N 05 05.0' W 22 Money Head (near Portpatrick)