Line HE is a survey section in the Sea of the Hebrides, heading from Loch Bracadale (Isle of Skye, Scotland) in a south - south westerly direction towards the Isle of Canna. The line comprises five fixed CTD stations, which were established as part of routine monitoring work on the Scottish continental shelf by Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory (DML). The line was occupied between the late 1970s to early 1990s.
Line HE has also occasionally been referred to as Line H.
Nominal station details
DML Line HE: Loch Bracadale - north west of Canna (Scotland)
Station | Nominal latitude | Nominal longitude | Approx.
depth (m) |
Comment |
HE1 | 57° 06.3' N | 06° 44.3' W | 122 | North West of Canna |
HE2 | 57° 10.3' N | 06° 38.7' W | 180 | |
HE3 | 57° 13.5' N | 06° 34.5' W | 115 | |
HE4 | 57° 16.0' N | 06° 33.4' W | 60 | |
HE5 | 57° 18.8' N | 06° 32.2' W | 83 | Loch Bracadale (Isle of Skye) |