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UKOARP Theme C: Impacts of ocean acidification on key benthic ecosystems, communities, habitats, species and life cycles

The overarching aim of this theme is to quantify and predict the impact of ocean acidification on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in three key UK coastal habitats; soft sediments, calcareous biogenic habitats (such as cold water coral reefs and maerl beds) and the rocky intertidal.

The aims of the theme are to:

  • Determine the effect of ocean acidification on the performance, life history and population dynamics of individual benthic species.
  • Quantify the impacts of ocean acidification on microbial communities and elemental cycling in coastal ecosystems.
  • Determine the effects of ocean acidification on the overall function of key benthic habitats.

The consortium will combine laboratory experiments, field observations, numerical models and interdisciplinary workshops to achieve its aims. To ensure an integrated, holistic and cost effective approach, the research is concentrated around a series of common consortium experiments and activities.
