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Baltra-B (Galapagos Islands) Site History


Station Baltra-B, Galapaogs Is.
Country Ecuador
Latitude 00° 26.1' S
Longitude 090° 17.1' W
GLOSS No 169
Time Reference GMT (hours 00-23)
Contributor 1985-present UH Sea Level Center
Instrument Type 1. Leupold and Stevens Analog-to-Digital Recorder (ADR)
2. Handar Encoder (ENC)
Primary gauge ADR: 1985-90
ENC: 1991-
Site of Gauge  
Observational periods 1985 - present

Reference Level

All heights have been referred to the station tide staff zero which is linked to fixed benchmarks. This station is distinguished from station Baltra-A because the data have not been levelled to common bench marks.

Tide Gauge Benchmark (TGBM) Description

Benchmark Description
UH-1 Type not documented, located at 133 ft, 40 deg. true N at SE corner of the fuel storage bldg (established 24 March 1985).
UH-2 Type not documented, located at 133.33ft, 40 deg. true N at SE corner of fuel bldg (established 24 Mar 1985).
UH-3 SS square plate located at base of the old lamppost just off line between the station and the lighthouse, located 237 deg. true N and about 250 ft from tide station (established 8 Jun 1990).
1 Type not documented, behind storage area (established April 1988).
2A 10cm disc stamped 'Instituto Oceanografico de l'Armada. Prohibido Tocar 1977'. 234 deg. true N of tide station. (established 8 June 1990).
SW1 Head of 1/4inch screw mounted on witch switch on Encoder well (established 8 June 1990).

Datum Levels

UH-1 4.052m above tide staff zero (June 1985)
UH-2 4.189m above tide staff zero (June 1985)

Datum of data is zero of tide staff

Quality Assessment by the UH Sea Level Center


The daily and monthly means do not reveal any reference level changes or trends and agree well with Santa Cruz.

The hourly data contain significant timing errors in 1988-1990 as noted below.

Encoder data, as noted by * below were used to fill some gaps.

The primary calibration device (a reference level switch) had many questionable readings during 1995-1996. However, the level appears steady as seen in differences with Santa Cruz and La Libertad.

Year CI(%) Missing Data Replaced Gaps or Bad Data Questionable Fluctuations
1986 90 280-308,330-338 none none
1987 100 none none none
1988 92 5-35,107-108 (14)061-(23)061 (18)152-(23)152 *(00)035-(20)048 *(17)091-(11)107 121-140,152-153
1989 100 none (12)334-(23)334 *(18)001-(13)152 152-161,168-169,184-185,204,232-
1990 100 none (02)151-(21)151 (12)213-(23)213 30-32,56-60,84-092,098-105,113-150,159-161
1991 100 none (10)202-(23)202 *(00)274-(23)315 none
1992 99 317-322 (21)014-(20)015 none
1993 96 197-211 none none
1994 100 none (23)196-(11)197 none
1995 90 30-67 (21)082-(20)083 (20)149-(13)150 none
1996 97 212-223 none none
1997 99 298-301 none none
1998 99 293-298 (02)040-(16)040 none