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Isla da Pascua-A (Chile) Site History

History Summary

Station Isla da Pascua-A
Country Chile
Latitude 27° 09.0' S
Longitude 109° 26.9' W
GLOSS No 137
Time Reference GMT (hours 00-23)
Contributor Instituto Hidrografico de la Armada (IHA)
Instrument Type Standard mechanical gauge
Site of Gauge  
Observational periods 1957 -1958

Reference Level

The data have apparently been corrected with comparative readings from the station tide staff which is linked to fixed benchmarks. However, these benchmarks are not linked to the benchmarks used by other data sets for Isla da Pascua. Thus, this data record is independent.

Quality Assessment by the UH Sea Level Centre


The daily and monthly means reveal no apparent reference level shifts or trends.

Year CI(%) Missing Data Replaced Gaps or Bad Data Questionable Fluctuations
1957 96 none none 105,183-184,307
1958 95 121-127,192-203 (13)314-(20)314 none