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Isla da Pascua-D (Chile) Site History

History Summary

Station Isla da Pascua-D
Country Chile
Latitude 27° 09.0' S
Longitude 109° 26.9' W
GLOSS No 137
Time Reference GMT (hours 00-23)
Contributor UH Sea Level Center
Instrument Type Fischer and Porter Analog-to-Digital Recorder
Site of Gauge  
Observational periods 1977-1984

Reference Level

All heights have been referred to the station tide staff zero which is linked to fixed benchmarks; however, these benchmarks are not linked to the benchmarks used by other tide records at this site. Thus, this data set is independent.


Benchmarks Description
BM No. 15 It is a 6cm bronze disk stamped CF 15, set in cement on the right corner at the front of the tide house base.
BM No. 16 It is a 6cm bronze disk stamped CF 16, set in cement at the south west corner of the warehouse located 150m south of the tide house.
BM No. 17 It is a 6cm bronze disk stamped CF 17, set in cement at the gate of the cold storage plant.

Quality Assessment by the UH Sea Level Centre


The daily and monthly means reveal no apparent changes in the reference level. Large deviations with a period from 1 to 3 days occur during the winter season associated with weather events.

Year CI(%) Missing Data Replaced Gaps or Bad Data Questionable Fluctuations
1977 77 282-283 none 150,157,351
1978 100 none none none
1979 89 1-32,135-139,362-365 none none
1980 99 1,247-250 none 138
1981 100 none none none
1982 99 65-67 none none
1983 92 32-60 none none
1984 58 121-128 none none