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Wake Island (USA Trust) Site History

History Summary

Station Wake
Country USA Trust
Latitude 19° 17.0' N
Longitude 166° 37.0' E
GLOSS No 105
Time Reference GMT (hours 00-23)
Contributor National Ocean Service (NOS) National Ocean. and Atmos. Administration (NOAA)
Instrument Type Standard mechanical (1950-1974);
Analog-to-digital (ADR) recorder (1975-1990);
Aquatrak acoustic gauge, NOAA Next Generation Water Level Measuring System (NGWLMS) (1991-2000)
Site of Gauge  
Observational Periods 1950 - 2000

Reference Level

All heights have been referred to the station tide staff zero which is linked to fixed benchmarks.

Tide Gauge Benchmark (TGBM) Description

Benchmark 12 (1961) the primary benchmark, is stamped 'NO 12 1961', and is set in the concrete apron at the east front corner of the Federal Aviation Administration Boat House.

Auxiliary Benchmarks

Seven additional benchmarks are levelled to the TGBM and to the Tide Station on a yearly basis.

Benchmark Relationships

TGBM is 14.28 feet above the Tide Gauge Zero (Station Datum).

NOAA Chart Datum is 3.94 feet above the Station Datum.

Mean Sea Level (1960-1978) is 5.11 feet above the Station Datum.

Quality Assessment


The daily and monthly means reveal no apparent reference level changes or trends. The high peaks in January 1953 appear to be storm-related. The rise on 15 Septtember 1994 is associated with local wind setup.

The data for 1996-2000 were supplied with heights relative to MLLW. Consequently 1201mm was added to refer the data to tide gauge zero.

The data for 1998-2000 were supplied in non-GMT format and had to be shifted into GMT.

Notable episodic events:

  • 23-25 May 1960: Tsunami from S.C. Chile
  • 28 March 1964: Tsunami from Alaska

Gaps in the Data Record

The following gaps occur in the data set.

Year CI (%) Missing Data Replaced Gaps or Bad Data Questionable Fluctuations
1951 95 31-49 None None
1952 87 217-223,259-301 (12)102-(11)103 248
1953 98 210-212,264-268 None None
1954 96 190-191,335-341,350-353,355-359 (12)058-(11)059,(12)120-(23)120,(12)190-(11)191,(21)363-(19)364 None
1955 100 None (14)201-(02)202,(03)353-(14)353 None
1956 100 None None None
1957 100 None None None
1958 100 None None None
1959 100 None (06)055-(16)055,(21)330-(05)331 None
1960 98 153-162 (23)031-(23)031,(01)033-(20)033,(15)144-(12)145 None
1961 100 None (19)059-(23)059,(01)060-(11)060,(10)115-(23)115,(15)181-(23)181,(15)184-(00)185,(16)195-(05)196,(02)298-(14)298 None
1962 100 None None None
1963 100 None (19)363-(12)364 None
1964 100 None (23)054-(19)055,(04)088-(01)089,(23)298-(18)299 None
1965 100 None (12)322-(11)323,(05)052-(14)052,(22)055-(06)056 None
1966 100 None None None
1967 67 244-365 (04)216-(00)217,(04)216-(00)217 None
1968 0 1-366 None None
1969 100 None (20)213-(12)214 None
1970 100 None (22)200-(05)201,(09)201-(06)202,(08)204-(18)204 271-272
1971 99 120-122 (22)001-(11)002 None
1972 100 None (21)005-(04)006,(07)015-(20)015,(03)150-(10)150 None
1973 92 222-244,245-250 (05)217-(03)218,(15)251-(02)252,(17)253-(01)254 38-39,252-253,282
1974 81 15-17,26-27,51-56,65-66,77-79,91-93,107-110,139-141,141-143, 144-147,160-169,179-184,187-189,228-235,271-274,282-283, 304-310,317-318 (20)084-(03)085,(13)087-(03)088,(17)089-(02)090, (12)091-(21)091,(14)096-(03)097,(03)098-(21)098, (14)099-(01)100,(12)100-(01)101,(12)102-(01)103, (12)104-(02)105,(05)113-(02)114,(16)116-(03)117, (07)117-(03)118,(15)127-(03)128,(17)134-(03)135, (08)149-(21)149,(16)177-(03)178,(07)190-(04)191, (08)218-(04)219,(19)239-(04)240,(12)243-(19)243, (14)262-(01)263,(17)274-(04)275,(20)278-(04)279, (18)322-(00)323 95,203-204,276-278,288-294,304
1975 91 274-276 (03)032-(00)033,(04)099-(01)100,(20)105-(01)106,(09)278-(02)279 321
1976 100 None None 29,63,73-75
1977 97 255-259,266-270 None 260-261,304,331-332,332-334
1978 86 11-60 None None
1979 85   None None
1980 100 None None 274-275,361-362
1981 16   None None
1982 36   None None
1983 100 None None None
1984 100 None None 76-78
1985 100 None None None
1986 100 None None 227-236,318
1987 100 None None 254-257
1988 100 None None 104
1989 100 None None 227-234
1990 100 None None None
1991 100 None (00)152-(22)152 None
1992 100 None None 302
1993 100 None None None
1994 100 None None 258
1995 100 None None None
1996 100 None None None
1997 100 None None 091
1998 100 None None 5-35,40-62,71-76,83-93,147-149,157-170,214-252,258-282,288-294,296-315,321-330,334-357
1999 100 None None 13-20,47-54,121-128,135-140,150-165,176-206,260-273,280-365
2000 100 None None 264-265