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Callao-A (Peru) Site History

History Summary

Station Callao
Country Peru
Latitude 12° 03.0' S
Longitude 077° 09.0' W
GLOSS No 173
Time Reference GMT (hours 00-23)
Contributor Scripps Institute of Oceanography (D.Luther)
Instrument Type unconfirmed
Site of Gauge  
Observational periods 1950 - 1965

Reference Level

All heights have been referred to the station tide staff zero which is linked to fixed bench marks.

Quality Assessment by the UH Sea Level Centre


The daily and monthly means reveal no apparent changes in the reference level and agree well with Talara.

Notable episodic events:

05-08 Nov 1952: Tsunami from Kamchatka
09-10 Mar 1957: Tsunami from C. Aleutians (small)
23-25 May 1960: Tsunami from S.C. Chile
28-29 Mar 1964: Tsunami from Alaska

This series is separate from Callao-B because they are not linked to a common datum.

Year CI(%) Missing Data Replaced Gaps or Bad Data Questionable Fluctuations
1950 99 1 (09)147-(17)147 none
1951 100 none none none
1952 100 none none none
1953 98 99-106 none none
1954 98 358-365 none none
1955 100 none none none
1956 82 183-209,307-345 none none
1957 96 188-189,202-204,208-212,251-259 none none
1958 100 none none none
1959 100 none none none
1960 100 none (02)326-(12)326 none
1961 100 none (14)358-(00)359 (05)359-(12)359 (05)360-(13)360 none
1962 100 none none none
1963 100 none none none
1964 88 138-139,141-183 none none
1965 100 none (17)002-(03)003 none