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Duck (North Carolina, USA) Site History

History Summary

Station Name Duck, N.C.
Latitude 36° 11.0' N
Longitude 075° 44.4' W
Country U.S.A.
GLOSS No. 219
Time Reference GMT (00-23 hours)
Contributor (1979-2000) NOAA/NOS, USA
Instrument Type (1979-1995) Analog-to-Digital Recorder (ADR)
(1995-2000) NOAA Next Generation Water Level Measuring System (NGWLMS)
Site of Gauge  
Observational Period 1979 - 2000
Reference Level All data are referred to Tide Gauge Zero and are linked into historic fixed benchmarks.

Tide Gauge Benchmark (TGBM) Description

BM control - NOS tide gauge benchmark survey disk stamped '865 1370 B 1977' set atop a galvanised steel deep rod located in the US Army Corps of Engineers Facility Compound, Duck, NC.

Auxiliary Benchmarks

865 1370 A 1977
865 1370 C 1977
865 1370 D 1977
  1370 E 1979
  1370 F 1979
  1370 G 1980
  1370 H 1980
  1370 J 1980
  1370 K 1980

Benchmark Relationships

TGBM = 14.80 feet above mean lower low water (1960-1978 epoch)
TGBM = 12.99 feet above mean sea level (1960-1978 epoch)
TGBM = 11.37 feet above mean high water (1960-1978 epoch)

Quality Assessment


The hourly residuals show significant fluctuations, with a duration of a day or longer, and are very noisy.

The data for 1996-2000 were supplied with heights relative to MLLW. Consequently 5550mm was added to refer the data to tide gauge zero.

The data for 1998-2000 were supplied in non-GMT format and had to be shifted into GMT.

Year Completeness
Index (%)
Questionable Fluctuations (in day Nos.)
and Missing Data (Gaps > 6 hours)
1979 100 None
1980 100 None
1982 100 None
1983 100 263-270
1984 100 None
1985 100 270
1986 91 None
Gap from 1986/01/27 at 17.00 to 1986/02/04 at 16.00
1987 100 328-331,336-338
1988 99 None
1989 99 None Gap from 1989/10/05 at 16.00 to 1989/10/09 at 10.00
1990 100 None
1991 100 None
1992 100 154-156
1993 100 None
1994 100 26
1995 100 68
1996 100 None
1997 100 None
1998 100 108,117,125,128-129,155-178,343-356
1999 100 24,44,66,100,114,258-259,265,277
2000 97 14,116,258,266
Gap from 2000/09/14 at 06.00 to 2000/09/21 at 16.00
Gap from 2000/09/22 at 06.00 to 2000/09/25 at 20.00