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Hobart (Australia) Site History

History Summary

Station Hobart
Country Australia
Latitude 42° 53.0' S
Longitude 147° 20.0' E
Contributor (1985-1989) TOGA Sea Level Center
(1990-1995) Flinders University of South Australia
Instrument Type (1987-present) Float and stilling well gauge
Site of Gauge  
Observational periods 1985 - present

Reference Level

All data are referred to Tide Gauge Zero (TGZ) and linked into historic fixed benchmarks.


MBH No. 17(SPM 194)
Brass pin in concrete with steel cover box located at the north west corner of Watermens Dock.
SPM 192
Brass pin in concrete with steel cover box at west corner of junction of Elizabeth Street and Franklin Wharf.
SPM 193
Brass pin in concrete with steel cover box at north corner of junction of Brooke Street and Franklin Wharf.
SPM 9163
Brass disc grouted in raised edge of concrete wharf by gauge.
SPM 9217
Brass disc grouted in rock at rear of Salamanca Carpark.

Benchmark Relationships

  • TGZ = Local Chart Datum for both tide gauges, but with varying precision.
  • TGZ = 3.061m below MBH No. 1
  • TGZ = 1.200m below Australian Height Datum (Tasmania) AHD

Quality Assessment


The daily and monthly means do not reveal any obvious reference level shifts. The data appear to be of high quality with good timing.

Year CI(%) QI(%) Missing Data Replaced Gaps or Bad Data Questionable Fluctuations
1985 69 69 135-142,144-147,181-186,193-203,315-318 (03)112-(02)113, (03)168-(01)169 none
1987 19 19 none none none
1988 100 100 none none none
1989 99 99 257-258 none none
1990 100 100 none none none
1991 100 100 none none none
1992 100 100 none none none
1993 100 100 none none none
1994 100 100 none none none
1995 96 96 48-51,293-303 none none