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Mera (Japan) Data Quality Report

Quality assessmentof sea level data by the TOGA Sea Level Center/National Oceanographic Data Center Joint Archive for Sea Level.

Station Mera Latitude 34° 55.0' N
Country Japan Longitude 139° 50.0' E
JASL # 352A Time Meridian 135° E (GMT + 9 hr)
GLOSS # 086 TOGA # None
NODC # 13134901
Contributor: Japan Oceanographic Data Center, Hydrographic Department, Maritime Safety Agency 3-1,Tsukiji, 5-Chome, Chuo-ku Tokyo 104 Japan
Originator: Same
Original Data: Unconfirmed
Instrument Type: FUESS (1965-1972), LFT-4 (1973-1986)
Digitized Interval: Unconfirmed
Present Data: Hourly, daily, and monthly values obtained by:
Hourly: Unconfirmed
Daily: 119-point convolution filter (Bloomfield, 1976) centred on noon applied to the hourly data with respective periods of the 95, 50, and 5% amplitude points at 124.0, 60.2, and 40.2 hours
Monthly: Simple average of all daily values; calculated if 7 or fewer days are missing
Span of Data: 01 January 1965 - 31 December 1986
Gaps > 1 Month: 31 December 1965 - 31 December 1967; 28 February - 31 July 1975
Time Reference: GMT (hours 00-23)
Space-filler Flag: -9999
Units: Millimeters
Missing Data Flag: 99999
Reference Level: All data are referred to tide gauge zero and linked to historic fixed bench marks.
Comment: The daily or monthly means do not reveal any obvious reference level shifts. Most questionable fluctuations are related to atmospheric or oceanographic events. Data spikes of about 10 cm or less have not been corrected.