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Yap-B (Micronesia) Site History

History Summary

Station name Yap-B
Country Fed. States Micronesia
Latitude 09° 30.5' N
Longitude 138 °07.7' E
GLOSS No. 119
Time Reference GMT (hours 00-23)
Contributor University of Hawaii Sea Level Center (1973-)
Scripps Institute of Oceanography (1969-70)
Instrument Type Unconfirmed (1969-70);
Bristol bubbler (1973-8/1974)
Fischer and Porter Analog-to-Digital Recorder (ADR), (9/1974-)
Handar Encoder (ENC), (5/1991-)
Primary gauge ADR: 1974-4/91
ENC: 5/91-
Site of Gauge  
Observational Period 1969 - present

Reference Level

Yap-B is separate from Yap-A (1951-52) because the two series have not been linked to a common datum.

All heights have been referred to the station tide staff zero which is linked to fixed bench marks.

Geodetic levelling has confirmed that the tide station was sinking during 1969-1990. Month by month corrections were applied so that the data are all relative to 14.052 ft (BM 7,1990).

There is good agreement between the detrended series and the nearest site at Malakal. Additional information is available from the University of Hawaii Sea Level Center.

Quality Assessment by the UH Sea Level Center


Prior to 1982, the timing was less accurate than ±7.5 minutes.

The daily and monthly means reveal no apparent changes in the reference level and agree well with a nearby station, Malakal.

Year CI (%) Missing Data Replaced Gaps or Bad Data Questionable Fluctuations
1970 99 365 none 53-54
1971 0 1-365 none none
1972 0 1-366 none none
1973 75 1-90 none none
1974 100 none none none
1975 98 18-20,114-117 128(13)-129(0),232(09)-233(07) 235-238,250-251
1976 100 none none none
1977 100 none none none
1978 100 none none 198-199,234-238, 287-289
1979 100 none none 307
1980 100 none none none
1981 100 none none none
1982 100 none none 77,114
1983 100 none none 27-30,169-170,229- 230,249,268-269, 272-273,279-280, 346-347
1984 97 51-54,86-92 244(02-13) 12-13,47-48,59-60, 79,131,147-148,153- 155,192-193,209-216
1985 97 53-55,57-64 none 17,39,44-45,51,86, 97-98,102,124,153, 199,256-260,289-292
1986 100 none none 224,231
1987 100 none none 44,252,268-272,282- 285,296-299,327-328
1988 99 85-86 none 269-272,300-302,309
1989 89 95-135 none 319-320,332
1990 99 174-178 none 291,313,337
1991 99 230-233 none none
1992 99 158-160,341-344 (11)017-(22)017,(00)038-(23)038, (01)168-(20)168, (00)175-(23)175 none
1993 100 none none none
1994 99 153-154,197-199 (05)327-(19)327 none
1995 100 none none none
1996 99 363-365 none none
1997 100 none (16)086-(13)087 none
1998 100 none (22)137-(14)138 none