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Quepos (Costa Rica) Site History

History Summary

Station name Quepos
Country Costa Rica
Latitude 09° 24.0' N
Longitude 084° 10.0' W
GLOSS No. 167
Time Reference GMT (hours 00-23)
Contributor SERMAR, Instituto Meteorologico Nacional.
For the 1987-1992 ADR data, collaboration with Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteor. Lab. (AOML) and UH Sea Level Center.
The 1961-1965 data were obtained from Scripps Institute of Oceanography.
Instrument Type Standard mechanical float type tide gauge (1961-65)
Leupold Stevens analog-to-digital recorder (ADR) (11/1986-present) (backup);
Fischer and Porter ADR (4/1992-)
Site of Gauge  
Observational Period 1961 - 1994

Reference Level

The data have been linked to tide staff zero by the contributors. However, further analysis of the data has led to adjustments of the reference level in separate segments.

All suspected shifts showed step function jumps in the plots of hourly residuals and of differences of daily values with the nearest stations. These adjustments contain uncertainty to a few centimeters.

Period ((hour)day/month/year) Value Added to Original (mm)
(00)02/05/72 - (16)01/06/72 80
(16)01/06/77 - (16)01/07/77 100
(16)01/09/79 - (16)01/10/79 100
(16)01/11/83 - (16)01/12/83 -130
(12)01/06/82 - (16)26/04/84 100
(17)01/02/86 - (15)01/03/86 -180
(16)01/03/86 - (12)01/04/86 40
(13)01/04/86 - (22)01/05/86 260
(13)29/03/86 - (01)03/08/86 -100

Tide Gauge Benchmark (TGBM) Description

BM-1-Q (disco de 9cm diam., en bastion concreto del muelle). En Quepos la marca se encuentra colocada 2.4metres al Sur extremo Norto del bastion de concreto en la extrada del muelle (4.8832m above IGN datum).

Auxilliary Benchmarks

Punta A: half a bolt welded in angle iron brace on tide staff (4.9417m above IGN datum)

BM-2-Q (5.8419m above IGN datum) BM-3-Q (5.1293m above IGN datum)

BM-3-Q (5.5495m above IGN datum) BM-5-Q (2.4525m above IGN datum)

Benchmark Relationships

Tide gauge zero (TGZ) = 2.8312m below IGN datum

TGZ = 7.7729m below punta A

TGZ = 7.7144m below BM-1-Q

Quality Assessment by the UH Sea Level Center


The data from the standard analog gauge showed many distinct shifts at the beginning of some months throughout the record. All obvious shifts have been adjusted as noted above. However, the long-term reference level stability is uncertain.

The analog data from 1 April 1988 - 30 September 1990 were replaced with ADR data which also have been linked to tide staff zero. The ADR data were used to fill small gaps in the analog record (see '#' below) and analog data were used to fill gaps in the ADR (see '*' below).

Data from 1 - 17 June 1991 appear 15 cm high.

Severe timing errors associated with gauge problems occurred from September - November 1985. The timing has an uncertainty of about ±7 minutes. The hourly residuals of the ADR data show considerable noise; thus the hourly ADR data are of less quality than the daily or monthly ADR data.

As of 4/92, the FP ADR is the primary gauge.

Year CI (%) Missing Data Replaced Gaps or Bad Data Questionable Fluctuations
1961 99 1 none none
1962 100 none none none
1963 100 none (15)055-(12)056 none
1964 99 30-33 none none
1965 100 none (14)288-(00)289 none
1966 0 1-365 none none
1967 0 1-365 none none
1968 0 1-366 none none
1969 0 1-365 none none
1970 0 1-365 none none
1971 99 290-292 (10)087-(03)088,(20)116-(05)117, (23)251-(05)252, (12)365-(23)365 247-248,335-336,359-360
1972 98 92-96 (00)001-(11)001,(12)245-(03)246, (12)275-(20)275 61-67,73-98,103-122,147-151,189-190,193-194,245,259-260
1973 88 60-94,98-106 (12)001-(20)001 47,96-98,157-158,196-198,226-229,257- 258,262-263,270-271
1974 100 none none 27-28,62-63,166,213- 283,337
1975 91 91-121 none 1-2,40,42-43,61-62, 73,81-83,91,237,252
1976 99 300-301 (15)351-(21)351,(17)357-(16)358 212
1977 98 22-24,31-32,146-148 none 45,62,159,216-217
1978 99 87-88,152-154 (22)046-(21)047 86-87,148-151,305
1979 100 none none none
1980 100 none none 3,364
1981 100 none none 176,206-212
1982 100 none none none
1983 100 none none 134-135,170
1984 100 none none 186,299,302
1985 90 139-141,188-196,200-204,271-274,281-295,348-350 none 148,221-222,242-271,274-280,295-308,313-322
1986 98 215-217,305-309 none 12-13,264-265,312, 336,341,347-350, 357-358,362-363,365
1987 99 139-140,221-222 (00)108-(11)108,#(15)081-(17)083, #(00)272-(23)275, #(14)347-(14)349 4-5,14-16,26-27,29-30,41,47,49-51,53-54,57-58,61,63-64,67-68,72-73,77-78,87-88,94-96,101-103,155-156
1988 100 none (05)147-(15)147 152-160,165-167,180- 183,203-204,215,228- 230,237,254-256
1989 100 none none 244-249,264-265,283- 284,286,293-294
1990 100 none (00)227-(15)227,(19)281-(12)282, (02)283-(13)283, (17)287-(04)288, (07)305-(18)305, (01)331-(11)331, (16)334-(12)335, *(17)196-(13)200 93,243-244,270-271
1991 90 89-91,168-171,243-275 (06)001-(15)001,(06)020-(05)021, (21)056-(12)057, (19)081-(12)082, (00)138-(22)138, (14)180-(01)181, #(11)015-(13)016, #(23)058-(12)060 17-18,25,27-28,75,153,164-167,209-214,217-230,233-242
1992 90 1-33,92-93,183-184 (06)061-(13)061,(03)085-(12)085, (01)336-(18)336 none
1993 100 none none none
1994 99 333-334 (18)290-(16)291,(12)303-(01)304, (08)360-(19)360 none