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Santa Cruz (Galapagos Islands, Ecuador) Site History

History Summary

Station Santa Cruz, Galapagos Is.
Country Ecuador
Latitude 00° 45.2' S
Longitude 090° 18.7' W
WOCE No. 9053
Time Reference GMT (hours 00-23)
Contributor UH Sea Level Center
Instrument Type 1. (1978-present) Fischer and Porter Analog-to-Digital Recorder (ADR)
2. Bristol Bubbler (BUB)
3. Handar Encoder (ENC)
Primary Gauge ADR 1974-90
ENC 1991-
Site of Gauge No data
Observational Period 1978 - present

Reference Level

All heights have been referred to the station tide staff zero which is linked to fixed benchmarks.

Quality Assessment by the UH Sea Level Center


The daily and monthly means reveal no apparent changes in the reference level and agree well with the nearest station, Baltra.

The noise in the residuals on 30 July 1995 is associated with a tsunami.

Year CI (%) Missing Data Replaced Gaps
or Bad Data
1978 20 None None None
1979 100 None None None
1980 84 306-365 None None
1981 35 1-152, 164-244, 316-318 None None
1982 100 None None None
1983 100 None None 296,326-327
1984 91 92-122 None None
1985 100 None None None
1986 75 121-213 None 257-263
1987 100 None None None
1988 100 None None None
1989 100 None None None
1990 100 None None None
1991 100 None None None
1992 97 312-319,325-329 None None
1993 100 None None None
1994 100 None None None
1995 100 None None None
1996 100 None None None
1997 99 303-306 None None
1998 100 None None None