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Sisimiut (Holsteinsborg) Site History

History Summary

Station Name Sisimiut, Holsteinsborg
Latitude 66° 56.0' N
Longitude 053° 40.0' W
Country Denmark
WOCE No. 9021
Time Reference GMT (00-23 hours)
Contributor 1991-1999 Royal Danish Administration of Navigation & Hydrography
Instrument Type Pressure gauge
Site of Gauge  
Observational Period 1991 - 1999
Reference Level All data are referred to LAT which is Chart Datum for Greenland.

Quality Assessment


Data up to 26 June 1992 are not corrected for atmospheric pressure. Conversion from total pressure to pressure due to sea water has been done using a fixed atm. pressure of 1013 mbar. After 26 June 1992 the data are corrected for atmospheric pressure using data from a pressure sensor placed on land. Salinity not measured, sea level elevation calculated from pressure using a sea water density based on measured temperature and a salinity of 31.5ppt.

All pre 1995 data have been adjusted by -510cm to refer to LAT.

Possible datum shift of approximately -15cm on 14 April 1993. Residuals are extremely noisy in the early part of 1993.

1996 data have been collected with a 15 minutes interval, but it slips 1 minute approximately every month.

Possible datum shift of approximately +0.14cm on 30 April 1997.

Year Completeness
Index (%)
Questionable Fluctuations (In day Nos.)
and Missing Data (Gaps >6 hours)
1991 30 None
56 Gaps of <=6 Hrs Spanning a Total of 2 Days 8 Hours
1992 88 None
88 Gaps of <=6 Hrs Spanning a Total of 3 Days 16 Hours
Gap from 1992/06/26 at 11.00 to 1992/07/04 at 00.00
1993 97 61-62,150,186-187
Gap from 1993/07/06 at 16.00 to 1993/07/07 at 14.00
1994 88 None
Gap from 1994/08/24 at 11.00 to 1994/08/28 at 18.00
Gap from 1994/09/27 at 12.00 to 1994/11/04 at 13.00
Gap from 1994/11/28 at 17.00 to 1994/12/02 at 12.00
1995 99 None
1996 99 263
1997 90 222, 287
Gap from 1997/05/24 at 00.08 to 1997/06/27 at 11.23
1998 78 071
Gap from 1998/06/22 at 11.32 to 1998/09/10 at 23.47
1999 49 None
Gap from 1999/06/27 at 10.48 to 1999/12/31 at 23.48