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Prudhoe Bay (Alaska, USA) Site History

History Summary

Station Name Prudhoe Bay, Alaska
Country U.S.A.
Latitude 70° 24.0' N
Longitude 148° 31.6' W
Time Reference GMT (00-23 hours)
Contributor 1992-2000 NOAA/NOS, USA
Instrument Type (1992-2000) Next Generation Water Level Measurement System - acoustic sensor
Site of Gauge The tide gauge is located in the west reservoir room of the seawater treatment plant operated by ARCO at the end of the causeway.
Observational Periods 1992-1993, 1995-2000

Please note that the position information has been altered in this document - see document 83916

Reference Level

All data are referred to Tide Gauge Zero and are linked into historic fixed benchmarks.

Tide Gauge Benchmark (TGBM) Description

BM Cell 4B is the center point of a triangular shaped steel connecting pin of circular sheet pile at southwest corner of ARCO's seawater treatment plant. It is 36.7' southwest of BM Cell 5B.

Auxiliary Benchmarks

BM Cell 5B
BM Cell 6B
BM TMB Deadman
BM Steel Pin
BM SW Rail (1990)
BM Bridge (1993)

Quality Assessment


The daily or monthly means do not reveal any obvious reference level shifts.

The data for 1995-2000 were supplied with heights relative to MLLW. Consequently 10918mm was added to refer the data to tide gauge zero.

The data for 1998-2000 were supplied in non-GMT format and had to be shifted into GMT.

Year Completeness Index (%) Questionable Fluctuations (in day Nos.)
and Missing Data (Gaps > 6 hours)
1992 91 None
Gap From 1992/06/13 at 22.00 to 1992/06/25 at 09.00
Gap From 1992/10/13 at 00.00 to 1992/10/29 at 15.00
Gap From 1992/11/07 at 18.00 to 1992/11/09 at 17.00
1993 96 None
Gap From 1993/06/13 at 00.00 to 1993/06/27 at 13.00
1995 100 None
1996 100 None
1997 100 None
1998 100 212,226-229,244,258-259,273-274,286-288,302-303
1999 100 229-233,246-249
2000 100 223-225,267