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Kanton-A (Kiribati) Site History

History Summary

Station Kanton-A
Country Republic of Kiribati
Latitude 02° 48.6' S
Longitude 171° 43.1' W
GLOSS No 145
Time Reference GMT (hours 00-23)
Contributor Scripps Institute of Oceanography
Instrument Type Unconfirmed
Site of gauge  
Observational Period 1949 - 1967

Reference Level

All heights have been referred to the station tide staff zero which is linked to fixed bench marks.


Benchmark Description
SS hex head bolt, no stamp, set in epoxy on left side of front step to bldg. 138 (established 13 December 1977)
Standard disk,unstamped, set in top of concrete sea wall at north end of main shipdock and on NW side of entrance to wooden finger pier and level with the dock area (established 1961).
Drill hole with 'BM 1962' inscribed in concrete (not legible 1990) located in top centre of sea wall. It is 24ft NE of SW corner of sea wall, 44ft SW of W corner of pump house near tide station.
square SS plate set in white epoxy, no marking, near BM 12, set about 2ft in from edge of sea wall and 3ft E of BM 12.
0.25 inch SS bolt head, located on top of the 3 inch black ABS end cap used for witch switch. The switch is mounted on the side of the new tide staff support pole. UH-2 and SW2 established 21 March 1990.

Quality Assessment by the UH Sea Level Center


The daily and monthly means reveal no apparent changes in the reference level and agree well with Christmas Island.

The timing is not better than ±7 minutes.

Year CI(%) Missing Data Replaced Gaps or Bad Data Questionable Flucuations
1949 60 none none none
1950 100 none none none
1951 100 none none none
1952 100 none none none
1953 100 none none none
1954 100 none none none
1955 100 none (17)124-(02)125 none
1956 100 none none 334
1957 98 98-106 none none
1958 100 none none none
1959 100 none none none
1960 100 none (15)044-(08)045 none
1961 94 152-173 none none
1962 100 none none none
1963 100 none (10)058-(09)059 none
1964 100 none none none
1965 100 none (21)258-(08)259 none
1966 100 none (13)213-(21)213 none
1967 71 none none none