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Crozet Islands (France) Site History

History Summary

Station name Crozet Is.
Country France
Latitude 46° 25.5' S
Longitude 051° 52.2' E
GLOSS No. 21
Time Reference GMT (00-23 hours)
Contributor Institute Mechanique de Grenoble
Domaine Universitaire
B.P. No.53X
38041 Grenoble Cedex
Originator Same
Instrument Type MORS Bottom mounted pressure sensor
Site of Gauge The tide gauge is installed in the Baie du Navire,
Possession Island, in the Crozet archipielago,
nearby the Alfred Faure French scientific base.
Observational Periods 1993 - 1994
18 November 1995 - present

Datum of the pressure measurements is not maintained from one deployment to the next.

Quality Assessment


Pressure transducers typically have long-term tendencies to drift. However, the originators have calibrated the instrument before deployment and due to the shallow resting level of about 2.3 m at high tide, the potential drift would be very small. Post-retrieval calibrations have not been performed. Please refer to the originators for the up-to-date status. For this data set, no explicit correction has been applied in this regards.

The plot of the hourly data minus the predicted tides reveals data with excellent timing characteristics and no obviously erroneous data.

Period Comments
June 93 - October 94 None


Year Completeness
Index (%)
Questionable Fluctuations(in day Nos.)
and Missing Data (Gaps > 6 hours)
1995 12 None
1996 95 None
    Gap from 1996/08/06 at 07.00 to 1996/08/20 at 12.00
    Gap from 1996/11/10 at 00.00 to 1996/11/12 at 09.00
1997 13 None
    Gap from 1997/02/18 at 10.00 to 1997/12/31 at 23.00