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Kerguelen Island (France) Site History

History Summary

Station Kerguelen Island
Country France
Latitude 49° 20.7' S
Longitude 070° 13.2' E
Time Reference GMT (00-23 hours)
Contributor 1993- TOGA Sea Level Center
Instrument Type Coastal pressure gauge
Site of Gauge The tide gauge is located at Port aux Francais along the warf of the scientific base.
Observational Period 5 April 1993 - present

Reference Level

Tide Gauge Benchmark (TGBM) Description

Benchmark Relationships

Quality Assessment


The daily or monthly means do not reveal any obvious reference level shifts.

Year Completeness
Index (%)
Questionable Fluctuations (in day Nos.)
and Missing Data (Gaps >6 hours)
1993 74 None
1994 99 None
Gap From 1994/08/09 at 13.00 to 1994/08/10 at 17.00
1995 99 None
Gap From 1995/11/23 at 03.00 to 1995/11/24 at 03.00
1996 100 (01)306-(17)306
1997 100 None
1998 16 None
Gap From 1998/02/03 at 02.00 to 1998/02/04 at 06.00
Gap From 1998/03/01 at 00.00 to 1998/12/31 at 23.00