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Halifax (Canada) Site History

History Summary

Station Halifax
Country Canada
GLOSS No 222
Latitude 44° 40.0' N
Longitude 063° 35.0' W
Time Meridian 060° W (GMT -4 hr)
Contributor Marine Environmental Data Service,
Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans,
S12082-200 Kent St.
Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada K1A-0E6
Originator Dept of Fisheries,
atlantic Tidal Section,
BIO, P.O. Box 1006,
Dartmouth, N.S.
Canada B2Y-4A2
Instrument Type OTT float/well gauge
Original Data Digital 15 minute averaged data (earlier data were analogue)
Observational Period 01 January 1920 - 01 January 2002,
01 January 2007 - 01 January 2011

Tide Gauge Benchmark (TGBM) Description

All heights have been referred to the station tide staff zero which is linked to fixed benchmarks. The primary benchmark is a bronze tablet (stamped T.S.1.1953) set horizontally in the S face of the south bridge caisson, 0.20m above granite sill and 15m north of the gauge house.

Quality Assessment


The hourly residuals show minor fluctuations within the tidal frequency band. It is not sure whether this is due to the inability of the tidal analysis to resolve the complex nature of the tides or errors in the timing. Only extreme fluctuations are listed below.

Possible datum shift of - 0.5m on 01 April 1976

Year Completeness
Index (%)
Questionable Fluctuations (In day Nos.)
and Missing Data (Gaps >6 hours up to 2007, all gaps reported after)
1920 100 None
1921 100 None
1922 100 None
1923 100 117
1924 100 240,248-249
1925 100 119-121,220,221,223,224-225,342,344
1926 100 138,140,197-198,211-213,220-221,244,358-361
1927 100 None
1928 100 161,162,170,327-329
1929 100 155
1930 100 251,253
1931 100 154-155
1932 100 None
1933 100 148-149,216,276-277,345,348,349
1934 100 063-064
1935 100 None
1936 100 074,209-212
1937 100 213-214
1938 100 330-332
1939 100 222-229
1940 100 260
1941 100 None
1942 100 336-338
1943 100 020-022
1944 100 259-260
1945 100 None
1946 100 238-241,307,309,311
1947 100 None
1948 100 227
1949 100 218
1950 100 078,087,233-234
1951 100 None
1952 100 None
1953 100 141
1954 100 None
1955 100 None
1956 100 None
1957 100 None
1958 100 165-167
1959 100 None
1960 100 101,202
1961 100 226-228
Timing shifted by 1 hour between 01 January 1961 0500hrs to 31 October 1961 2300hrs.
1962 98 Gap From 1962/04/19 at 0400 to 1962/04/25 at 0300
Gap From 1962/09/22 at 0400 to 1962/09/24 at 0300
1963 100 185-186
1964 100 040
1965 100 None
1966 100 None
1967 100 038,054,192-213
1968 100 244-245
1969 100 183-213
1970 100 244-265,345-348,358-362
1971 100 301-318
1972 100 None
1973 100 168
1974 100 None
1975 99 Gap From 1975/02/25 at 0400 to 1975/03/01 at 0300
1976 98 Gap From 1976/02/19 at 1600 to 1976/02/20 at 0000
Gap From 1976/02/20 at 0400 to 1976/02/20 at 1200
Gap From 1976/04/05 at 1500 to 1976/04/06 at 1300
Gap From 1976/06/04 at 0400 to 1976/06/08 at 1100
Gap From 1976/08/01 at 1300 to 1976/08/02 at 1100
1977 96 258
Gap From 1977/01/07 at 0200 to 1977/01/07 at 1200
Gap From 1977/01/18 at 0400 to 1977/01/19 at 0300
Gap From 1977/01/25 at 1000 to 1977/01/25 at 1600
Gap From 1977/06/12 at 0500 to 1977/06/13 at 1100
Gap From 1977/06/17 at 1300 to 1977/06/23 at 1700
Gap From 1977/11/03 at 0400 to 1977/11/09 at 1100
1978 99 213
Gap From 1978/05/12 at 1100 to 1978/05/15 at 1400
Gap From 1978/09/01 at 0400 to 1978/09/01 at 1000
1979 98 091
Gap From 1979/04/02 at 1100 to 1979/04/02 at 1700
Gap From 1979/06/07 at 0400 to 1979/06/10 at 2200
Gap From 1979/07/01 at 1200 to 1979/07/03 at 2200
Gap From 1979/07/16 at 1600 to 1979/07/20 at 0300
Gap From 1979/11/01 at 1200 to 1979/11/02 at 1600
1980 88 196-199,214-217,246
Gap From 1980/07/01 at 1100 to 1980/07/06 at 0300
Gap From 1980/07/12 at 0400 to 1980/07/14 at 1200
Gap From 1980/07/25 at 0400 to 1980/07/27 at 1500
Gap From 1980/08/09 at 0400 to 1980/08/29 at 1600
Gap From 1980/09/01 at 1500 to 1980/09/02 at 0100
Gap From 1980/10/01 at 1200 to 1980/10/14 at 1600
1981 96 274-275
Gap From 1981/09/06 at 1400 to 1981/09/09 at 1200
Gap From 1981/11/04 at 0300 to 1981/11/04 at 1100
1982 98 Gap From 1982/01/01 at 1700 to 1982/01/07 at 1300
1983 99 Gap From 1983/11/01 at 0400 to 1983/11/02 at 1100
Gap From 1983/11/17 at 1200 to 1983/11/20 at 1700
1984 100 None
1985 99 Gap From 1985/03/21 at 0800 to 1985/03/22 at 0800
Gap From 1985/04/01 at 0400 to 1985/04/01 at 1500
1986 100 None
1987 100 None
1988 100 183-186
1989 97 Gap From 1989/08/10 at 0700 to 1989/08/21 at 1400
1990 93 Gap From 1990/06/05 at 0400 to 1990/07/17 at 1700
1991 91 Gap From 1991/05/01 at 0400 to 1991/05/14 at 1500
Gap From 1991/09/04 at 0700 to 1991/09/24 at 1600
1992 95 115-134
Gap From 1992/08/03 at 0700 to 1992/08/04 at 1600
Gap From 1992/08/18 at 1200 to 1992/08/30 at 2000
Gap From 1992/09/02 at 0700 to 1992/09/08 at 0500
1993 85 Gap From 1993/06/07 at 1700 to 1993/07/30 at 1500
1994 98 Gap From 1994/09/30 at 1100 to 1994/10/05 at 0300
1995 100 255
1996 100 None
1997 100 168-187,227-234,249-263,277-290
1998 99 027-035,045-055,190-194,198-204,244-247
Gap From 1998/12/23 at 1500 to 1998/12/23 at 2300
1999 99 051,223-229,287-288
2000 99 228-243,245-263,271-276,286-292,296-301,316-321,326-330,344-349
Gap From 2000/05/09 at 1200 to 2000/05/19 at 1500
Gap From 2000/08/30 at 0800 to 2000/09/01 at 0300
Gap From 2000/12/24 at 2000 to 2000/12/25 at 0300
Gap From 2000/12/26 at 2100 to 2000/12/27 at 0300
2001 90 Gap From 2001/01/03 at 0200 to 2001/01/03 at 0800
Gap From 2001/01/04 at 0100 to 2001/01/04 at 1100
Gap From 2001/01/08 at 1900 to 2001/01/09 at 0100
Gap From 2001/01/09 at 1900 to 2001/01/25 at 1200
Gap From 2001/02/08 at 0800 to 2001/02/08 at 1400
Gap From 2001/02/08 at 2100 to 2001/02/09 at 0300
Gap From 2001/02/09 at 2100 to 2001/02/10 at 1700
Gap From 2001/02/13 at 0000 to 2001/02/13 at 0600
Gap From 2001/02/25 at 2100 to 2001/02/26 at 0600
Gap From 2001/03/09 at 2000 to 2001/03/10 at 0300
Gap From 2001/03/11 at 2200 to 2001/03/12 at 0400
Gap From 2001/03/12 at 1000 to 2001/03/12 at 1600
Gap From 2001/03/12 at 2300 to 2001/03/13 at 0500
Gap From 2001/03/17 at 1500 to 2001/03/17 at 2100
Gap From 2001/03/19 at 0400 to 2001/03/19 at 1000
Gap From 2001/04/09 at 2300 to 2001/04/17 at 1500
Gap From 2001/07/18 at 0800 to 2001/07/19 at 1600
Gap From 2001/09/12 at 0800 to 2001/09/17 at 1400
2007 99 Gap From 2007/08/06 at 0000 to 2007/08/06 at 0200
Gap From 2007/09/16 at 0800 to 2007/09/16 at 1400
2008 99 151
Gap at 2008/07/07 1300
Gap From 2008/08/12 0300 to 2008/08/12 2100
Gap From 2008/09/26 2200 to 2008/09/27 0800
2009 99 146-150,232-235,275
Gap From 2009/06/13 1000 to 2009/06/13 1400
Gap at 2009/07/09 1700
Gap From 2009/07/22 0300 to 2009/07/22 1800
Gap at 2009/10/19 1700
2010 99 245-247
Gap From 2010/07/31 2000 to 2010/08/01 0200
Gap From 2010/08/21 0400 to 2010/08/22 2300
Gap From 2010/08/29 2200 to 2010/08/30 0600
Gap From 2010/09/07 0500 to 2010/09/08 1600