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Yakutat (Alaska) Site History

History Summary

Station Yatutat, Alaska
Country U.S.A.
Latitude 059° 32.9' N
Longitude 139° 44.1' W
WOCE No 9055
Time Meridian 135W (GMT -9 hr)
Time Reference GMT (0-23)
Contributor National Ocean Service (NOS)
National Ocean. and Atmos. Administration (NOAA)
1305 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD. 20910-3233
Originator Same
Instrument Type Float/well system (1961-1992)
Aquatrak acoustic gauge, NOAA Next Generation Water Level Measuring System NGWLMS (1993 - 2000)
Observational Period 01 January 1961 - 2000

Reference Level

All heights have been referred to the station tide staff zero which is linked to fixed bench marks. While standard mechanical or ADR instrument was the primary gauge, leveling calibration factors were applied monthly based on tide staff comparisons.

Tide Gauge Benchmark (TGBM) Description

Unavailable at present.

Quality Assessment


There is no evidence of any obvious reference level shifts.

Most questionable fluctuations are related to timing problems with the gauge, there are numerous occasions in the data from 1961 to 1977, only extreme fluctuations are noted. The timing improves greatly from 1978.

1993-1994 Timing shifted by + 9 hours.

The data for 1993-2000 were supplied with heights relative to MLLW. Consequently 656mm was added to refer the data to tide gauge zero.

The data for 1998-2000 were supplied in non-GMT format and had to be shifted into GMT.

Notable episodic events:

  • 28 March 1964: Tsunami from Alaska

Gaps in the Data Record

The following gaps occur in the data set.

Year CI (%) Missing Data Replaced Gaps
or Bad Data
Questionable Fluctuations
1961 99 001 None 167
1962 100 None None 6-7
1963 100 None None 272
1964 33 122-366 None 20
1965 32 1-247 None 280-280,298-300,324-328,341-346
1966 100 None None 57,79-80
1967 84 122-182 None 308-335
1968 95 296-313 None 190-191,342-348,354-362
1969 99 83-88 None 59-65
1970 100 None None 10,12-13,124-125,143-144,160,231-264
1971 83 32-91,169-173 (13)167-(02)168,(09)168-(03)169 158-166
1972 76 190-192,195-207,244-250,274-283, 309-366 None 241-244,250-274,294-309
1973 35 1-236,267-269,270-272 (00)313-(08)313 290
1974 98 106-107,109-116 44,(23)108-(20)109,305,307,318 116-202
1975 100 None None 83,171-175,293-295
1976 97 113-122 None 93,98-99,324-331,358
1977 70 177-178,182-192,225-226,244-257,275-278,288-365 (04)181-(18)181,(12)235-(10)236,(15)236-(10)237,(18)238-(12)239,(19)240-(13)241,(07)242-(14)242,(20)243-(23)243,(06)270-(15)270 123-125,174-177,269-270
1978 88 1-13,15-18,335-365 None 45
1979 51 1-178 None None
1980 84 32-92 None None
1981 100 None None None
1982 100 None None 68,74,94-95,100-102
1983 100 None None None
1984 100 None None None
1985 100 None None 122-129
1986 100 None None None
1987 100 None None None
1988 100 None None 299-302
1989 100 None None None
1990 100 None None None
1991 100 None (11)162-(01)163 247-256
1992 100 None None None
1993 100 None None None
1994 100 None None None
1995 100 None None 201
1996 100 None (00)040-(08)040 None
1997 100 None None None
1998 100 None None 162-165,189-193,352-357
1999 100 None None 1-21,324-328,334-346,353-365
2000 100 None None 344-348