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Ketchikan (Alaska) Site History

History Summary

Station Ketchikan, Alaska
Country U.S.A.
Latitude 055° 20.0' N
Longitude 131° 37.5' W
WOCE No 9046
Time Meridian 135W (GMT -9 hr)
Time Reference GMT (0-23)
Contributor National Ocean Service (NOS)
National Ocean. and Atmos. Administration (NOAA)
1305 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD. 20910-3233
Originator Same
Instrument Type Float/well system 1949 - 1992
Aquatrak acoustic gauge, NOAA Next Generation Water Level Measuring System (NGWLMS) 1993 - 2000
Observational Period 01 January 1949 - 2000

Reference Level

All heights have been referred to the station tide staff zero which is linked to fixed bench marks. When standard mechanical or ADR instrument was the primary gauge, leveling calibration factors were applied monthly based on tide staff comparisons.

Tide Gauge Benchmark (TGBM) Description

Unavailable at present.

Quality Assessment


There is no evidence of any obvious reference level shifts.

Most questionable fluctuations are related to timing problems with the gauge, only extreme fluctuations are noted below.

1963 - 1964 No data available

1991 - 1994 Timing shifted by + 9 hours

The data for 1991-2000 were supplied with heights relative to MLLW. Consequently 1894mm was added to refer the data to tide gauge zero.

The data for 1998-2000 were supplied in non-GMT format and had to be shifted into GMT.

Year CI (%) Missing Data Replaced Gaps or Bad Data Questionable Fluctuations
1949 99 1 None None
1950 100 None None 157,198,242-242,284
1951 100 None None 114
1952 100 None None 217-218
1953 100 None None None
1954 100 None None None
1955 100 None None None
1956 100 None None 45-47,85-86,303
1957 100 None None 324
1958 100 None None 76
1959 100 None None None
1960 97 260-270 None 116,187-188,220-260,338
1961 100 None None 147-151,271
1962 100 None None 62-63,313-317,329
1965 99 1 None None
1966 100 None None 111-114,120-122,125-126,149-153,155-158,174-175
1967 100 None None 2,233,249
1968 62 90-123,152-260 None 1-2,29-30,64-65,332-339,363-366
1969 96 38-48,345-351 None 14-15
1970 100 None None 292-294
1971 100 None None None
1972 92 336-366 None 123-124,152-169,280-281,298,311-315
1973 80 1-3,17-60,183-197,245-255,326-330 (10)011-(18)011,(11)012-(19)012,(11)013-(20)013,(12)014-(21)014,(03)015-(10)015,(13)015-(22)015,(04)016-(12)016,(05)017-(12)017,(21)238-(07)239 60-62,85,126-127,312,313
1974 100 None None 37,64-69,199-200,234-236
1975 100 None 246 28,42-45,55,85,120,145,208-209,250,347-357
1976 92 1-13,159-161,164-168,258-264,357-362 None 195
1977 92 212-239,283-284,286-289 None None
1978 98 288-297 (07)132-(14)132 25-26,308-320
1979 83 3-15,24-25,29-31,219-264,336-337 None 120-121
1980 95 176-194 None 290-291,362-363
1981 100 None None None
1982 95 185-200 244 163-164
1983 100 None None None
1984 100 None None None
1985 100 None None None
1986 100 None None None
1987 100 None None None
1988 100 None None None
1989 100 None None None
1990 100 None None None
1991 100 None None None
1992 100 None None None
1993 100 None None None
1994 100 None None None
1995 100 None None None
1996 100 None None None
1997 100 None None None
1998 100 None None 1-30,320-328,334-365
1999 100 None None 1-20,27-36,40-41,45-46,88-90,172-175,179-182,234,242-250,313-321,324-328,337-348,353
2000 100 None None 1-39,44-58,100-113,235,239-249,259-271,312-320,329-366